Anarchy Reigns Guides

Anarchy Reigns Guide – Stage 1 Black Side Mission Guide

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Anarchy Reigns had a rough start. There was quite a scuffle at E3 last year between the developer PlatinumGames and publisher Sega. However, thankfully that mess is all out of the way and the colorful brawler was finally release. This Anarchy Reigns Guide will point you in the right direction for Stage 1 Black Side Missions. We will include the unlock score, the objective and the lives allowed for each mission in our Anarchy Reigns Mission Guides.

Free Mission 01: The Killseekers

The Killseekers mission is a basic brawl with lower level thugs. The last wave is a giant guy with a hammer. His attacks are pretty basic and easy to dodge/block. Just remember to lock on, it’s easy to forget this early in the game. Defeat all 50 enemies in under 5 minutes and you will beat the first free mission.

Free Mission 01: The Killseekers

  • Unlock Score: 3,000
  • Goal: Defeat 50 enemies
  • Time Limit: 5 Minutes
  • Lives: 1
Main Mission 01: The King of Altambra

The King of Altambra mission is a Big Bull Boss Fight. There is three different fights with Big Bull that are broken up with a few thug fights in between for health. The Big Bull’s attacks are similar to your own. The dashing kick is a great way to open up his defenses. I also used the Heavy, Normal, Heavy attack a lot to open up his defenses. The arial attack the Big Bull does is kind of a pain. It’s better just to block and defend against this attack. Defeat Big Bull and his gang to move on in the story and unlock Big Bull in multiplayer.

Main Mission 01: The King of Altambra

  • Unlock Score: 100,000
  • Goal: Defeat Big Bull
  • Time Limit: None
  • Lives: 3
Free Mission 02: A Chaser’s Work

A Chaser’s Work mission is an escort mission. Your job is to escort the android bar tender back to the bar safely. If the bartender dies, you lose, if you die, you lose. Most of the thugs are easy enough to kill, just stay kind of close to the bartender to make sure that he is not getting hit to hard. There are two big baddies. The first one can be taken out by your special attack pretty easy. The last one however, you may want to save a Rampage for.

Free Mission 02: A Chaser’s Work

  • Unlock Score: 300,000
  • Goal: Bring the Bar-Bot back safely
  • Time Limit: 5 minutes
  • Lives: 1
Main Mission 02: Target Sighted

Target Sighted is all about taking out drones. There are a bunch of different kinds of drones in this mission but one thing is for sure. Gaurd, gaurd, guard as much as you can when you are not attacking. The drones fire off bullets that can take down your health quickly. Wait to rampage until the laser drones and the falling cars section to clear the level much easier than what I did in the video below.

Main Mission 02: Target Sighted

  • Unlock Score: 400,000
  • Goal: Defeat All Enemies
  • Time Limit: None
  • Lives: 3
Free Mission 03: Gunfight

Gunfight is all about, well, guns. Instead of your chainsaw for Jack you get a sniper rifle with unlimited ammo. The best combo I found for this mission was to get close-ish to enemies to the point where you can lock on. Lock on, then pull the sniper rifle out with left trigger (on PS3 and XBOX 360) and fire away. If you are close enough to other enemies the lock on will keep moving and you can clear large waves of enemies fast. If not auto moving to enemies just hit the lock on button again to breeze through this mission. Save a Rampage for the end when there is some carpet bombers or run inside where you fought Big Bull for cover.

Free Mission 03: Gunfight

  • Unlock Score: 600,000
  • Goal: Kill As Many Enemies As Possible
  • Time Limit: 3 minutes
  • Lives: 1
Main Mission 03: Your Favorite Pimp’s Pimp

The last main mission in this stage is another boss fight. This time it is a Baron Boss Fight. Baron can be really easy to beat if you grab a stack of tires. Attack Baron with the tires and he will get caught up in them. After trapping Baron you can go to town and use your special weapon freely. After a while a jet will start to crash and you will have to kill Baron in a time limit. Pop your rampage and destroy him quickly to finish the stage and unlock the next.

Main Mission 03: Your Favorite Pimp’s Pimp

  • Unlock Score: 700,000
  • Goal: Defeat Baron the Pimp
  • Time Limit: None
  • Lives: 3

That will end our Anarchy Reigns Stage 1 Black Side Mission Guide. Make sure to keep checking Gamers Heroes for more Anarchy Reigns guides and unlocks. If you need any more help with these missions, let us know! Hit us up in the comments and we will be sure to get back with you soon.

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