Anarchy Reigns Guides

Anarchy Reigns Guide – Stage 2 Mission Guide Black Side

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Anarchy Reigns had a rough start. There was quite a scuffle at E3 last year between the developer PlatinumGames and publisher Sega. However, thankfully that mess is all out of the way and the colorful brawler was finally release. This Anarchy Reigns Guide will point you in the right direction for Stage 2 Black Side Missions. We will include the unlock score, the objective and the lives allowed for each mission in our Anarchy Reigns Mission Guides.

Free Mission 01: Gale Force
  • Unlock Score: 3,000
  • Goal: Complete 5 Laps
  • Time Limit: Checkpoints Add Time
  • Lives: 1

Free Mission 01: Gale Force

The Gale Force mission is almost like a racer. You jump on a flame thrower vehicle with jack and make your way through an obstacle course filled with enemies. Make your way through the course. When you see a big pack of enemies, or just a nice strait line, stay on top of the boost button (y on the Xbox 360). This will get you through the course quickly and dispose of a TON of enemies efficiently. If you are boosting all the time you should clear the level in no time.

Main Mission 01: The Gargoyle Platoon
  • Unlock Score: 100,000
  • Goal: Defeat The Gargoyles
  • Time Limit: None
  • Lives: 3

Main Mission 01: The Gargoyle Platoon

The Gargoyle Platoon mission is like a arena multiplayer fight. The beginning has you shooting down gargoyles from far away with a very large machine gun. After that, your job will be to kill all of the Gargoyles left. Make your way through the waterfall and into the room. There will be item boxes in this room. Items are key, they make the battle practically painless. Pick up the items and blast the gargoyles away. If you get into any trouble, hit your rampage and go to town, no reason to save it this time. The only real tricky part is that the last part of the battle has two Gargoyles teamed up against you. Again items should be able to take care of everything.

Free Mission 02: Parasite Infestation
  • Unlock Score: 300,000
  • Goal: Defeat 50 Enemies/Destroy Tentacles
  • Time Limit: 3 minutes
  • Lives: 1

Free Mission 02: Parasite Infestation

Parasite Infestation is kind of an annoying mission. The beginning is fun. All you have to do is defeat these Kraken parasites. After defeating 30 or so of them a large Kraken will show up. Try to stay clear of the tentacles as much as possible that are electrified. Jumping seems to work pretty well.

After defeating 50 enemies you will get a new objective, to take out the tentacles that are located on both sides of the arena. Be careful, after you get this objective there is a mutant running around. Pop your rampage to make short work of him and the tentacles. After killing the tentacles walk through the teleporter pod that were previously blocked. After teleporting you will have finished the mission!

Main Mission 02: The Creature from Valenda
  • Unlock Score: 400,000
  • Goal: Defeat The Kraken
  • Time Limit: None
  • Lives: 3

Main Mission 02: The Creature from Valenda

The Creature from Valenda miss a large Kraken Boss Fight that you must defeat with the help from Baron and his compatriot. The first part of the boss battle is all about throwing stuff. Hurl chunks of rock that break loose when the Kraken sends missiles your way. Keep moving left to right when not throwing things at the Kraken. Eventually the Kraken will lay himself out on the deck of the ship. Run up his tentacles and hit the big glowing blue “eye” over and over again.

After a couple of turns at the eye the Kraken will overturn over the ship you are standing on. Head forward and to the right to hit a jet stream to bring you to safety. Kill all of the little Kraken parasites for health.

Eventually the ship will overturn completely leaving you one on one with the Kraken. This part of the boss battle is all about dodging. Lock on and roll from left to right to dodge attacks. When he lunges forward with his mouth, dive out of the way and then attack the side of the, neck like thing that he lunges forward with. Do this a couple of times, dodge all of the other incoming attacks and eventually there will be some parts of the ship you can again throw at the Kraken. Eventually he will go down, and you can jump on it’s back and finish it off. If you need more help just look at the video above.

Free Mission 03: Mutant Suppression
  • Unlock Score: 600,000
  • Goal: Defeat 6 Mutants
  • Time Limit: 5 minutes
  • Lives: 3

Free Mission 03: Mutant Suppression

Mutant Suppression is a fight between you, Baron, his partner and 6 Mutants. It’s good to grab a couple of items before heading into this match. The mutants show up in waves first with only 1, second with 2, and then 3 for the last wave. Take out the first one with special attacks. If you have an item, use it for the second wave. Then for the third wave pop your rampage. If you don’t have a rampage and you die, an item will spawn in the middle of the arena that gives you immediate rampage. Try to get all of the mutant executions. If you don’t get the executions you won’t get a platinum.

Main Mission 03: The Young Lion
  • Unlock Score: 700,000
  • Goal: Defeat Leo
  • Time Limit: None
  • Lives: 3

Main Mission 03: The Young Lion

The last main mission in this stage is another boss fight. This time it is a Leo Boss Fight. Leo can be really easy to beat if you grab a stack of tires. Attack Leo with the tires and he will get caught up in them. After trapping Leo you can go to town and use your special weapon freely. When you get him down to about a third left of health pop your rampage. Go to town and take him out for a platinum. If your rampage runs out before he dies, make sure to try to kill him with your saw for extra points.

That will end our Anarchy Reigns Stage 2 Black Side Mission Guide. Make sure to keep checking Gamers Heroes for more Anarchy Reigns guides and unlocks. If you need any more help with these missions, let us know! Hit us up in the comments and we will be sure to get back with you soon.

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