
Left 4 Dead 2 Guides

  • Left 4 Dead 2: Hunter Guide

    The final part of our Left 4 Dead 2 Special Infected guide focuses on The Hunter, my personal favorite from both generations of Special Infected. The Hunter has one of the most basic concepts for the Special Infected but can also be one of the most challenging to use, various mechanics give you control over your “Pounce” attack, allowing you to perform wall-jumps and other acrobatic feats… The Hunter is the only Special Infected that allows you to control its ability once you have executed it, although you’re able to pounce from very short distance with little/no control, launching your…

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  • Left 4 Dead 2: Jockey Guide

    In this part of our Special Infected guide for Left 4 Dead 2 we explain the ability and uses of The Jockey. Probably one of the more humorous Special Infected, The Jockey, runs around, at about knee height, making strangely disturbing laughing noises all the while he’s trying to jump on your face and ride you off into the sunset, not exactly a pleasant experience… The Jockey is one of the more user friendly Special Infected, its ability is clear with its uses and it’s not that hard to execute his mutation. The distance of his jump attack can fall…

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  • Left 4 Dead 2: Spitter

    For the fourth part of our Special Infected guide we explain the tactics and skills needed in order to play a Spitter effectively. Without a doubt my personal favorite from the new Special Infected, The Spitter has the ability to turn a perfectly calm survival situation into total chaos and anarchy. The mutation allows The Spitter to spit vile acid forming a skin corrosive puddle on the floor, any Survivor that remains in contact with the acid receives damage over time, increasing in effect the longer they remain in contact with acid. The introduction of this Special Infected was met…

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  • Left 4 Dead 2: Charger Guide

    Our third guide on the Special Infected in Left 4 Dead 2 focuses on The Charger. Probably one of the most loved additions to the Special Infected team, The Charger has a unique mutation which allows him to “Charge” at Survivors in the hopes of grabbing one and proceeding to smash them against a wall or the floor. The Charger also has a very nice knock-back effect that sends all Survivors that come into contact with his Charge, flying off in every direction… Once a Charger has grabbed his victim, the damage isn’t bad but the main product of the…

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  • Left 4 Dead 2: Smoker Guide

    Our second guide on the Special Infected from Left 4 Dead 2, this time we focus on the Smoker. The Smoker is unique in the fact that it is the only Special Infected that can restrict from a distance. The other Special Infected rely on close quarter abilities and restriction mutations in order to trap you in an animation. Your main attack is a mutated, scarred, 20ft long tongue that grabs and restricts a Survivor before attempting to… pull them to your clutches so you can claw off their face.  As a Smoker your main responsibility is usually assaulting the…

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  • Left 4 Dead 2: Boomer Guide

    With the recent Steam deal increasing the Left 4 Dead 2 player-base and flooding Versus Mode with inexperienced players, we at Gamers Heroes‘ decided to write a few brief introductions to the Special Infected, what their purpose is and the best way of using their specific game mechanic. We’ll start off with arguably the most vital Special Infected in Left 4 Dead 2, The Boomer. The Boomer’s mutation gives him the ability to hurl out “Bile” at survivors, restricting their vision and surrounding them with flesh hungry infected. Without The Boomer’s special Bile attack, the survivors can shrug off most…

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