
Diablo III Guides

  • Diablo 3 Act 1 Event Locations

    Diablo 3 Act 1 Event Locations

    In Diablo 3 there are random events in each act. The event varies from player to player but can generally be found in the same areas. This location guide will help you figure out where you can find some.

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  • Diablo 3 Beating Diablo

    Diablo 3 Beating Diablo

    The last boss of Diablo 3 is Diablob. Diablo is now stronger then ever and has almost completely wiped out the Heavens. This boss guide will help you bring him down once and for all and save the world.

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  • Diablo 3 Beating Rakanoth

    Diablo 3 Beating Rakanoth

    The first boss in Act 4 of Diablo 3 is Rakanoth. You have to bring him down in order to save on of the key Arch angels. This boss guide will help you burn him without any issues.

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  • Diablo 3 Beating Azmodan

    Diablo 3 Beating Azmodan

    The last boss in Act 3 of Diablo 3 is Azmodan. Azmodan is the Lord of sin and the last remaining prime evil left alive. He is actually a fairly hard fight so use this boss guide to get the edge on him.

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  • Diablo 3 Beating Cydaea

    Diablo 3 Beating Cydaea

    The second big boss in Diablo 3 Act 3 is called Cydaea. She is a giant spider and the wife of Azmoden apparently. She can be a tricky fight but with this boss guide you can bring her down easily!

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  • Diablo 3 Beating Ghom

    Diablo 3 Beating Ghom

    The first big boss in act 3 of Diablo 3 is called Ghom. He is a fat blob creature that has a constant poison coming off him. This boss guide will help you slaughter him next time you decide to face him.

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  • Diablo 3 Walkthrough Guide Collection

    Diablo 3 Walkthrough Guide Collection

    Our Diablo 3 Walkthrough Guide Collection will be updated on a regular basis so check back for more guides if you find yourself stuff. Feel free to leave a comment if you know something we've missed or have an idea for a guide.

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  • Diablo 3 Beating Belial

    Diablo 3 Beating Belial

    The last boss in Act 2 of Diablo 3 is Belial. You get a huge history on this guy during Act 2 so it is nice to bring him down early in the game. This boss guide will help you bring him down with no trouble at all.

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  • Diablo 3 Beating Maghda

    Diablo 3 Beating Maghda

    The first big boss in act 2 of Diablo 3 is named Maghda. By now you’ve likely been wanting to kill her anyways for all the crap shes been pulling. This boss guide will help you bring her down quickly and easily. So let’s get started. I had a party with me for this one. This is for normal. First off for the Diablo 3 Maghda boss guide is her abilities. She has a ranged basic auto attack that hurts a bit but really you cant avoid it. Her main annoyance is her shield that makes her invincible. At certain…

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  • Diablo 3 Beating The Butcher

    Diablo 3 Beating The Butcher

    The last boss of Act 1 in Diablo 3 is called The Butcher. He is a large brute with a large weapon looking to hurt you. This boss guide will help you bring him down in no time at all.

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  • Diablo 3 Fast Leveling Guide

    Diablo 3 Fast Leveling Guide

    One of the main objectives of Diablo 3 is to get to the max level. There are multiple ways of leveling in the game and this guide will list the fastest ways to do it. This may be a faster way of doing it but it will still take some time!

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  • Diablo 3 Making Your Character Speak

    Diablo 3 Making Your Character Speak

    Much like Diablo 2 you can have your character speaking in Diablo 3. It is all preset and all the classes say them same general thing, but it is somewhat of fun to hear your character speak.

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