Dragon Quest Builders GuidesGame Guides

Dragon Quest Builders Chapter 3 Challenge Guide – Discover Recipe For The Lyre Of Slime Immemorial

Dragon Quest Builders Chapter 3 Challenge Guide - Obtain Recipe For The Lyre Of Slime Immemorial
Chapter 3 of Dragon Quest Builders continues to provide challenging and rewarding Challenges to unlock stuff for use in other modes. This Dragon Quest Builders Chapter 3 Challenge Guide – Obtain Recipe For The Lyre Of Slime Immemorial will show you where you can find the recipe so you can complete the challenge in Chapter 3.

Dragon Quest Builders Chapter 3 Challenge Guide – Discover Recipe For The Lyre Of Slime Immemorial

You need to be able to craft the Blue Blocks so you can’t complete this until near the end of Chapter 3 after you learn the recipe through one of the side quests. Once you can craft them create 15 Blue Blocks. After you have your Blue Blocks head through the Red Teleportal and head North West until you reach the sign that says “Follow the Valley North” below the large snow structure that resembles a snowman. In the distance to the North East there’s a cave that leads into the black mountains. Head inside.

Once inside you’ll see a pattern on the floor that resembles a slime. Fill the spaces with Blue Blocks.

Dragon Quest Builders Chapter 3 Challenge Guide - Discover Recipe For The Lyre Of Slime Immemorial

This will reveal a doorway ahead. Follow the path through, there’s a few dead ends but only 1 exit, and you’ll find the Lyre of Slime Immemorial recipe inside the chest.

You will need 15 blue blocks which you learned the recipe for during the story. Head to island 3 (Red transporter) and head north west towards the snowman looking structure as mention the challenge 3, first gigante. Now look north east from the snowman to see a relatively close black mountain. Trace the side of that mountain north to find a hole on the side of it with slime shaped hole in the ground and an evil idol. Simple fill in the slime shaped hole with the blue blocks and the evil idol will disappear. Go through the door and follow the cave to the end. There will be many dead ends so just keep looking for the right path. At the end you should find the recipe for the lyre of slime immemorial within the chest.

Phew that was more lengthier than I expected. Hope I went into enough detail for you guys so you can find the things you need easier. Again hope this helps and keep a look out for chapter 4, starting the speedrun tonight followed by the challenges.

Be sure to check out our other Chapter 3 Challenge guides on building the superior spa and Defeat All Boss Trolls and Giganteses

Blaine Smith

Blaine "Captain Camper" Smith is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Now operating under the guise of Editor-in-Chief (purely because we felt the position was needed for public relations purposes), he's tasked with a lot of the kind of jobs that would put you to sleep at your desk. When he's not catching some Zs, you'll likely find him arguing points he knows nothing about, playing the latest rogue-like he'll never complete, or breaking something on the website that never needed fixing. You can best reach him on Twitter
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