How To Get 2,000,000 Rising Rush Damage In Dragon Ball Legends
We’ve already explained how to get huge Rising Rush damage but what about that 2 million mark? This guide will tell you How To Get 2,000,000 Rising Rush Damage In Dragon Ball Legends using just two characters and a few support. Assuming you understand that Z Abilities are always active on all 6 members of your party, we’ll skip to the basics and straight to the solution.
How To Get 2,000,000 Rising Rush Damage In Dragon Ball Legends
You will need two primary characters, SP Broly and EX Frost. Broly needs to be maximum level and very well Soul Boosted. You can add EX Frieza Blue, EX Goku Blue, SP Vegeta Red and EX Vegeta Green to the party. These all provide Z Ability buffs that greatly increases Broly’s damage. Get as much of that team as you can.From there head to Chapter 3 of the Frieza event. This is the easiest event as it’s Red, giving Broly the advantage, and there’s just one enemy. Just EX Frost and SP Broly. Do not take a third party member. Select Frost first. Once in battle let Frieza beat Frost down to red HP, as low as possible without dying. Once he is low, activate his main ability, which causes the enemy to take 30% more Blast & Strike damage. Quickly switch to Broly and launch Rising Rush.
For increase damage, insure the cards for your Rising Rush are Strike, Strike, Special Move. The 4th can be used as the guess art.
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