DmC: Devil May Cry GuidesGame Guides

DmC: Devil May Cry Lost Soul Location Guide

Dmc Guide


One of the collectibles in DmC: Devil May Cry is Lost Souls. They are red bodies sticking out of walls and ceilings. Killing them will net you some red orbs and getting all of them will get you a better reward. Use this guide to get them as you go!

Mission 1


This is a work in progress. I’m discovering the Lost Souls as I go through each mission, however some may require unique abilities in order to obtain. If you know one I’ve missed, please leave a comment and I’ll add it to the guide as well as credit you for the discovery.

Mission 1: Lost Soul 1:
The first Lost Soul is introduced through the game itself. You’ll be told to kill one so you know what you’re looking for in the future.

Mission 1: Lost Soul 2:
Once you get to the house with the paintings head to the room with the mirror. Approach it and you’ll have to watch a brief cut-scene. After the cut scene keep following the path until you see a giant doll sitting down. You’ll notice a doorway to your left, enter the room and look above the door you just entered. Use your sword to collect this Lost Soul.

Mission 2

Mission 2: Lost Soul 1:
After you get Arbiter you will be attacked by enemies. Kill them then take the door. You will see the Soul on the wall. The wall will split back and you will need to double jump then dash to get the soul.

Mission 2: Lost Soul 2:
After you fall down the hole from the last lost soul you can see this one on the wall. Jump and slice it to get it.

Mission 2: Lost Soul 3:
After returning to the mansion from the dream world you will need to jump a hole to proceed. Jump the hole then go through the doorway on the right. Above the doorway is the soul.

Mission 2: Lost Soul 4:
After getting Osiris you will be able to break down the blue doors. Right outside where you get the weapon is one of those doors. Spam the spinning move until the door breaks open. It will take a bit longer then the axe does.

Mission 3

Mission 3: Lost Soul 1:
Once you go to Kat and the ground breaks apart look behind you. You should see the soul on the wall.

Mission 3: Lost Soul 2:
After getting the angel boost you can get one we missed earlier. From the fountain area head back up to the triple angel lift point. If you look to the right of the middle jump you can see the soul. Use the first lift then angel boost to land on the ledge. Climb up to get the soul.

Mission 4

DMC Combo

Mission 4: Lost Soul 1:
In the first area you will come to a fork in the road. To the right on the wall is the lost soul.

Mission 4: Lost Soul 2:
On your way up to get the first demon eye you will see a soul hanging out a window. Jump up and attack it.

Mission 4: Lost Soul 3:
When you are supposed to follow Kat turn around and take the stairs up. you get will get a vital star and on the wall above the steps is the soul.

Mission 4: Lost Soul 4:
Once you clear the fountain area of enemies jump on top of the fountain. Across you will see a soul. Jump and dash over then attack it.

Mission 4: Lost Soul 5:
Jump back to the top of the fountain and jump dash to the angel hook. You can see a soul to the right. Jump and slice it down.

Mission 4: Lost Soul 6:
In the area with two demon camera eyes you have to angel lift to a platform. On the first platform move the camera to the opposite side to see the soul. Jump and dash to the soul and attack it. Try to remember to use the sword and not the scythe. It might take a few tries but you can get it.

Mission 4: Lost Soul 7:
After you take out the first camera a new path will open. As you take that path you will see a red door. Break it open and inside is a soul.

Mission 4: Lost Soul 8:
After breaking the red door you will see a soul on a wall across the street. Jump over and dash then attack to claim this one.

Mission 5

Mission 5: Lost Soul 1:
Once you enter limbo take the path on the left. You will have to rip down some walls and do some angel lifts in order to proceed. Keep going until you reach a platform that is near the words consume, stupidity, and obesity. The demons first appeared here for me. From there look back the way you jumped in and you will see an angel lift behind you. Jump and dash then angel lift to the platform. Angel lift to the next platform and bam you get the soul.

Mission 5: Lost Soul 2:
After breaking through the container with your demon grab you will be tossed into a fight. After the fight look for the blue pillars on the platform. You can see the angel grab spots from here. Get to the second one and grab the soul.

Mission 5: Lost Soul 3:
After you kill the orange ball demon with you guns you will have to jump up some crate stairs. At the top it will zoom in to the next area of the level. use your demon pull to pull yourself across the gap. Go through the doorway and on the right is the lost soul.

Mission 5: Lost Soul 4:
From the last lost soul you can choose to go towards an angel pull or just some platforms to jump. Go the path of the angel grab. Dash towards the grab spot then use the angel grab to get lifted up.

From there head to the Demon pull in the distance. Pull it once you get close enough and climb up. Once at the top head all the way right to the back corner to see the soul.

Mission 5: Lost Soul 5:
From the last soul head back towards where you used the demon pull. You should see some broken stairs above some crates. Jump up the stairs and follow the path around to the left to see the next soul.

Mission 6

Mission 6: Lost Soul 1:
Once you make it to the first demon pull area pull the platform towards you. From there take the angel lift to the other side. On the wall to the left of where you land you can see the soul. Double jump and attack to free it.

Mission 6: Lost Soul 2:
After escaping the tunnel you will get your first look at the succubus. Do not go towards her but instead look behind you and to the left to see a soul on a pillar.

Mission 7


Mission 7: Lost Soul 1:
Once you are trying to break into the jail you will run into a red wall. Dante will say let’s give it a crack. To the left you can see the lost soul.

Mission 7: Lost Soul 2:
You will come to a point where you need to demon pull a cargo box towards you so you can jump on it. After that you break one open with the demon fist. If you turn around you can see a lost soul through a fence. Jump to the platform right of the fence and get the soul.

Mission 7: Lost Soul 3:
As you progress through the level you will come to a point where Dante stops and looks at the tower. He will say okay back on track. From there look right to see the lost soul and the angel lift you need to take. Double jump and grab it then get the soul.

Mission 7: Lost Soul 4:
Once you meet and kill the rage demons you can follow the little one again. Jump through the hole in the wall and to the left you will see the lost soul on the wall.

Mission 7: Lost Soul 5:
Once you make it out to the platform where Dante look sup and sees three Rage demons go right. Follow the path all the way to the end to get the lost soul.

Mission 7: Lost Soul 6:
While you are working your way up you will face off with a hell demon and two flying demons. Once you kill them you will have to do some angel lifting. Once you make it to the second one and get on top of it look behind you. You will see some red orb cocoons. Jump and dash to the platform and keep going to the other platforms until you get the lost soul.

Mission 7: Lost Soul 7:
Once you push the elevator down you will come across another floor to break. Before you break it though look right and get the soul on the wall.

Mission 7: Lost Soul 8:
After you break through the floor you can see the angel lift point in the top right. Go up and to the right of the divinity stone on the wall is the soul.

Mission 8

Mission 8: Lost Soul 1:
After you see the train pass you go onto the track. From there look left to see the soul hanging out of the wall.

Mission 8: Lost Soul 2:
Once you make it to the first divinity stone keep heading down the corridor. As soon as you see an opening on the right side of the wall jump up and in. You will see the soul.

Mission 8: Lost Soul 3:
Once you make it to the Harpie nest you have a few choices on where to go. Head to platform one and follow it to the end for a soul.

Mission 8: Lost Soul 4:
Same as above but to go platform 2 instead.

Mission 9

Mission 9: Lost Soul 1:
At the start of the level follow the path until you see a red door. Break it open with your axe and enter. Follow the path until you see the blue door and break it open for the soul.

Mission 9: Lost Soul 2:
After you get Devil trigger you will be lead of the statue. After you clear the enemies in the building you will angel lift to a different statue. From there you angel lift into another building. You can see the soul through a window but in order to access it you need to jump around the corner of where you entered. Follow it around and you can grab it.

Mission 11

DmC Vergil

There are no collectibles in mission 10.

Mission 11: Lost Soul 1:
Once you make it to the first divinity Stone break through the floor. Once through the floor break the blue door. You will see another door across the gap. Open it and grab the vital star inside. From there drop down the gap. Instead of breaking the red spot go into the other open doorway and get the soul.

Mission 11: Lost Soul 2:

After you defeat the enemies where Kat spray painted the door the cops will blow it open. After that they will blow another one open. Keep going until you reach the room with the blue door above. In that room on the left side is a soul.

Mission 11: Lost Soul 3:
Once you clear out the room with the computer monitors take the stairs down. At the bottom take a right and head towards the red light at the end. They try to make it look like its a dead end but you can take a right. Once you see the statues hugging each other look on the wall near there to get the soul.

Mission 11: Lost Soul 4:
From there head back the way you came and take the door with the green light over it. Its about 5 seconds from the last soul. Follow it down to the next green light door and take a right. You can see the soul on the wall.

Mission 16

No souls in the previous missions except 13. For some reason I didn’t think that level had any but I was mistaken. Once I beat the game I will go back to it.

Mission 16: Lost Soul 1:
After you enter Mundus’ hideout you need to defeat his elite guard. After that you can progress into the base. Once you hit the first divinity stone take left up the stairs. Break the red door and follow the steps down for your first soul

Mission 16: Lost Soul 2/3:
These two are actually right near each other. Once you get to room 105 clear out the enemies. From there head back to the elevator but don’t take it. If you act like you are coming out of the elevator go left and around the corner. You will see a gold key and the two souls. Jump the blocks once they stop and get all of it.

Mission 16: Lost Soul 4:
Once you make it to the elevators at floor 106 you will need to clear some enemies. Do that then just like the last two souls go around the corner. You will have to jump to the middle platform and go through the doorway. Follow the steps up and grab the soul.

Mission 16: Lost Soul 5:
While still on floor 106 you will come to an angel lift point. Drop down below that and you will see a blue door. In that door is the next soul. So the I guess the soul is technically on floor 105.

Mission 16: Lost Soul 6/7:
While still down there go to the closed elevator doors. They will open and you will see two souls inside.

Mission 16: Lost Soul 8:
After you get past the next laser trip point you will be about to meet Vergil. Instead of going to the elevator though go left and grab the soul.

Mission 16: Lost Soul 9:
This one will be impossible miss as you progress. Once you hit the west wing keep going until the screen changed color and an arrow points you down what another sky bridge. Instead of taking that though keep going straight and get the soul.

Mission 17


KatMission 17: Lost Soul 1:
Right at the start of the l;level you can go left or right. Go left and follow the path until you land from the angel lift. Once you land you will see a wall to the left. go behind that wall for the first soul.

Mission 17: Lost Soul 2:
From that soul restart from the last checkpoint so you can go right at the start instead of left. Keep following the path until you reach the platform with a hell demon and a ghost demon. Look left to see a demon grab point and angel lift point. Jump, dash, demon grab then angel lift to the platform over there. Jump up and get the soul.

Mission 17: Lost Soul 3:
Once you get to the large platform with the saw demon and the witch you are in the right place. Kill them and look in the left corner. You will see the soul.

Mission 17: Lost Soul 4:
Once you make it to the first divinity stone you will see multiple angel lift points. Take those and at the end you will see a wall on the right. The soul is on that wall.

Mission 17: Lost Soul 5:
Eventually you will reach a point where you demon pull a pillar down so you can jump to a large platform. Clear the platform of the demons and you will need to take angel lift points to progress. Once you take all of those you will see a large rock to the right. Behind that rock is the last soul for the mission.

Mission 18

Mission 18: Lost Soul 1:
At the start of the level you have four tunnels to choose from. Take the right lower one first. Once you reach the end you will see the generator. Look left to see the soul on the wall.

Mission 18: Lost Soul 2:
Now take the left bottom tunnel. Once you reach the end of the tunnel there will be a drop off point. DO not drop off but instead look right. Jump and dash to the soul.

Mission 18: Lost Soul 3:
Take the top left tunnel next. Once the tunnel opens up into a larger cavern keep following the path right. You will see the soul at the bottom.

I’m updating this DmC: Devil May Cry Lost Soul Location Guide as I go through each level. We always appreciate help from heroes, that’s you guys, so feel free to leave a comment below. You’ll be helping thousands of gamers!

Johnny Hurricane

Johnny Hurricane is the resident hardcore gamer here at Gamers Heroes. You'll usually find him diving deep into the latest releases as he attempts to conquer each and every game that crosses his path. Mostly known for his ability to create detailed and comprehensive guides on even the most complex of game mechanics, you'll sometimes see the odd review and editorial topic but his true abilities lie in competitive gaming. Johnny Hurricane's Gamer Biography
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