Digimon World: Next Order Digivolution Conditions Guide
Digimon World Next Order’s Digivolution mechanic is both complex and rewarding, which can seem a little overwhelming at times. This Digimon World: Next Order Digivolution Conditions Guide covers everything you need to know about reaching those conditions as well as information pertaining to the individual conditions for every Digimon.
Digimon World: Next Order Digivolution Conditions Guide
Digivolution Conditions are unique requirements that must be met in order to Digivolve into a specific Digimon. Most of these, such as HP or strength requirements, are pretty self explanatory, while others need more explanation. TF for example is Tamer Fails, meaning how many times you’ve let your Digimon soil themselves. While Victory is the amount of battles your Digimon has won (not the amount of Digimon they have defeated).You can unlocked information on Digivolution Conditions whenever you praise or scold your Digimon, you can also trade in Digivolution items at the Dojo – although this unlocks a random Digivolution Condition and not always for the Digimon you want. But have no fear, there’s a fantastic tool you’ll want to get a hold of.
The fantastic folk over at Reddit and GameFAQ have come together to create an incredibly detailed spreadsheet that contains practically every Digivolution Condition for any time of Digimon you’re trying to get. No more do you need to waste Digivolution items at the Dojo, or fight aimlessly trying to unlock specific Digivolution Conditions.
The spreadsheet, which can be found HERE includes Digivolution Conditions for normal Digimon, mistake evolutions, ExE Digivolutions and even DNA Digivolutions.