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Diablo 3 Guide

In Diablo 3 there are random events in each act. The event varies from player to player but can generally be found in the same areas. This location guide will help you figure out where you can find some. So Let’s get started.

As stated above these are random. What that means is one I got you may not get. If you do get one I didn’t let me know the area and the name please.

Diablo 3 Act 1 event location guide

Event 1 – Jar of Souls – Location is Cemetery of the Forsaken – Inside one of the bonus defiled crypts you can find this event. There are three crypts to search normal one has the event, one is for loot and the other is the quest one. You can always go back and do it if you get ahead so don’t worry. The event itself isn’t to hard unless you get surrounded. Basically you have to survive until the timer runs out then you will get the EXP and gold bonus.

It should be noted that in the beta I played a different event in the Cemetery so look out for that one as well.

Event 2 – Carrion Farm – Location is Fields of Misery(Forsaken grounds to be specific) – This one is on a farm in the middle of the Fields of Misery. Talk to the farmer and he will ask you to kill five bat nests. The nests spawn bats but it really isn’t to hard. Kill the nests and talk to the farmer to get your bonus exp and gold.

Event 3 – The Family of Rathe – Also in the Fields of Misery – While searching for events I found the Decaying Crypt. It is fairly large but on the second floor there is a ghost you can speak to. Once you talk to her she will want you to kill her family members. Do so and talk to her to complete the event.

Event 4 – Last stand of the Ancients – Location The Festering Woods – Once you enter the festering woods you should see a path up to an altar. Once you get up there and start the event you will be rushed by spirits. Kill them and kill the boss to beat this event and get your exp and gold.

Event 5(Thansk Kyle) – Matriarch’s Bones – There is the Matriarch’s Bones in the same area as the Jar of Souls. It is in a different catacomb but in the same cemetery. Note: You have to leave current game and come back for a chance to do the Matriarch’s Bones. Also, all Events are repeatable through the same methods. Leave game, rejoin, re-loot.

Event 6(Thanks Yoshy) – In Fields of Misery you can also find the Lost Mine, on the second floor there is an event called The Precious Ores.

That will end the Diablo 3 Act 1 event location guide. If you know one I missed let me know and I will add it!

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Diablo 3 Beating Diablo https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/diablo-3-beating-diablo/ https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/diablo-3-beating-diablo/#comments Fri, 18 May 2012 03:03:45 +0000 https://www.gamersheroes.com/?p=6458 The last boss of Diablo 3 is Diablob. Diablo is now stronger then ever and has almost completely wiped out the Heavens. This boss guide will help you bring him down once and for all and save the world.

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Diablo 3 Guide


The last boss of Diablo 3 is Diablob. Diablo is now stronger then ever and has almost completely wiped out the Heavens. This boss guide will help you bring him down once and for all and save the world. So let’s get started.

I did every other boss battle with a partner so I of course did on this one as well. This is for normal.

First off for the Diablo 3 Diablo boss guide is his moves. This is a three part fight so I will go over each part.

For the first part he will be auto attacking a lot. If you can take the hits then fight with him if not stay out of his way.

The second move is a ring of fire. Much like the black rings from Azmodan if you sit in the fire you will take damage continually. Get out of the circle and bring the fight elsewhere.

He can also slam his foot down and send out a bunch of fireballs. You can dodge these by going in between them.

After you get him to about 60% he will take you to his realm.

The first move he will show off is his summons. He will make shadow copies of you and your party and you have to kill them.

Once they die Diablo will appear and you need to fight him. He still has the moves from above but now has a new one. This move shows black circles on the ground that shoot bone jails up. If you get caught in this jail Diablo will pick you up and do some serious damage. Avoid this whenever you can.

The third part of the fight is back in Heaven. He will have whatever you left him at hp wise.

He will no longer summon the shadows but he can still do the bone jail.

He now also has his most devastating move. If you see his mouth light up get out of the way because a giant laser is coming. If you get caught in this you are likely dead even if you are at 100% hp. So if you see the mouth light up you need to get out of the way.

Now for the actual fight part of the Diablo 3 Diablo boss guide. As mentioned above this is a three part fight so play safe. For the first and second part you can use the health shrines to heal as well.

Once the fight starts expect him to just rush you and start attacking. The damage wasn’t so bad so I tanked it and healed when I needed to. After a couple of seconds though he used the large fire ring. You can see it coming down so be sure to run out of it and fight him from a different spot.

After the fire circle he might use his foot slam. If you are melee it will be hard to dodge but the damage is not terrible. If you are ranged just go in between two of them. Keep going until he hits about 60%.

At this point the second part of the fight begins and you will be in a different realm. As soon as you get in there he will made shadow clones. Bring them down and he will reappear.

Now he starts to use the bone jail. If you see the black spots on the ground just start to move to be safe. If you get caught he will grab you and slam you. Tank or not that will damage you.

Keep hurting him and he will summon more clones. Kill them.

He will reappear and start to use his moves. He actually used the fire ring on me in here so be ready for that.

Finish off the clones then finish him off.

After that you go back to heaven and face him for the last time.

At this point he starts to use his moves more often. I had two fire rings going at once and the bone jail going at the same time. If you get caught in the bone jail with the fire going say bye bye.

If you need to run into the fire to dodge his laser though be sure to do it. Watch for the mouth to glow and move out of the way. It is a very long move so be sure to land some hits in while he is doing it.

Avoid the fire ring, laser and bone jail and keep hitting him. He is very beefy but if you keep at it you can bring him down. Remember there are health shrines for phase one and three so use them as you need to.

Once you beat him grab your loot and beat the game.

That will end the Diablo 3 Diablo boss guide. Check out our Diablo 3 Walkthrough Guide Collection for tons of other useful guides and information.

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Diablo 3 Beating Rakanoth https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/diablo-3-beating-rakanoth/ https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/diablo-3-beating-rakanoth/#comments Fri, 18 May 2012 02:36:39 +0000 https://www.gamersheroes.com/?p=6456 The first boss in Act 4 of Diablo 3 is Rakanoth. You have to bring him down in order to save on of the key Arch angels. This boss guide will help you burn him without any issues.

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Diablo 3 Guide

The first boss in Act 4 of Diablo 3 is Rakanoth. You have to bring him down in order to save on of the key Arch angels. This boss guide will help you burn him without any issues. So let’s get started.

I did this in a group. This is for normal.

First off for the Diablo 3 Rakanoth boss guide is his moves. He has two sword arms which means he can do a double swing normal attack on you so watch for that. He will also just cleave at you with his arms.

He has a summon move where he goes up into the air and shoots out some green stuff. It will hurt you if you get hit and it also summons ghouls. Use the ghouls for hp if you need the boost.

He can also shoot the green blades out at range. He will normally go into the air and shoot them at you. You can see him charging up so dodge it.

When he is see through he is immune to CC.

He moves fast.

People seem to also be having an issue to when he teleports right on top of you. When he does that CC him or use a dodge move(Monk roll Demon Hunter dive etc). Going full offensive on a squishy will get you killed very easily. You can see the move coming as well. His arms will go back and the blades will shine. As he swings at what looks like nothing he will actually teleport to you and skewer you. Right before it hits the ground try to dodge or trap him. It is very difficult to time but this will end you if it hits you on the harder difficulties.

You should bring some sort of dodge move simply to avoid his constant teleports. I would also bring something to heal yourself other then potions. If you don’t do good auto attacks you should bring some sort of bigger hitter move or rapid small rapid move to keep the damage up. Lastly of course you should bring something that is CC. I like the stun on this guy but anything that cancels his attacks would be good.

If you are not in a group bring a follower.

Tips from Splanders Mcbuffinstick –

copied my forum post i just made because this guy was making me rage before i killed him and i’d like for others to avoid that problem. it applies to ranged classes, primarily the witch doctor-

Just beat him in hell as a witch doctor after wiping couple of times. My knowledge of the other classes is rather limited as I only have experience as a witch doctor but these tips might apply for the other ranged classes as well:

First off, he can be snared – use death’s grasp and/or a gargantuan or templar merc to keep him from melee distance

The main key is to keep an eye on him. He has 3 attacks (range missile, summons, charge) with 2 casting animations. He will hover in the air before casting his missiles or summons. He WILL NOT HOVER IN THE AIR BEFORE HE CHARGES, he stays on the ground, stands still, and sort of holds up his arm blades. You MUST SAVE SPIRIT WALK and use it as soon as you see this animation. The window of time to avoid the charge is very small but as soon as you get the hang of it, you’ve got the fight.

Always run directly away from rakanoth when he starts to hover to avoid the missiles, they travel a small distance but the spread is really wide, and kill the summons ASAP (i used zombie bears for burst) because he generally likes to charge after the summoning spell and it can be a little hard to catch it if your still dealing with the adds.

Just dps him in between casts with any ranged attack (i used plain old splinter darts) and you’ll eventually get him. It’s all about surviving the charge.

Now for the actual fight part of the Diablo 3 Rakanoth boss guide. To be honest this guy isn’t that bad. Once the fight starts he will close the gap in between you and him quickly and start attacking. If you are a melee take it and fight back. If you are ranged you don’t really want to be in his face is you can avoid it so run. Melee should run if they get low though obviously.

Both of these moves are charge up moves. When you see him charging use some CC on him to cancel if you can.

After some damage has been done you should see him charging something up. The first thing he did when I fought him was summon his ghouls. Use the ghouls to heal up then return to facing him. Be sure to stay out from under him when he is using this move. If you don’t want the ghouls to be summoned just use some CC on him.

He will also charge up for his ranged attack. This will be shot at the ranged mostly and consists multiple green rings being shot. You can sit in the gaps to avoid it or run from them completely. They don’t hurt to bad but it’s best to avoid them if you can. If you are a melee and have a move to go through him to the opposite side you can use that instead. Once you do that you might as well get some hits in as well. This can be canceled if you are close to him when he does it.

If he teleports to you run if you have to. Typically when he did it to me I’d dash through him to avoid any extra damage. If you are low and he does it the only thing you can really do is CC him when he pops out(need to be quick) or use the dodge ability right when he comes out. If you are okay hp wise and can take some hits you might as well deals some damage at this point as well.

As he gets lower in Hp he will teleport more often and use his moves more often. Use some CC on him to keep the damage down. Remember if he is stunned, blinded, etc you should be hitting him or running if you need to wait for a cooldown.

Just keep damaging him and avoiding his attacks. Use the ghouls to heal up and cancel his attacks when you can. Melee should keep on him unless he is charging up and ranged should stay out of his way.

Bet him down and get some loot.

That will end the Diablo 3 Rakanoth boss guide. Check out our Diablo 3 Walkthrough Guide Collection for tons of other useful guides and information.

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Diablo 3 Beating Azmodan https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/diablo-3-beating-azmodan/ https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/diablo-3-beating-azmodan/#respond Fri, 18 May 2012 01:03:29 +0000 https://www.gamersheroes.com/?p=6453 The last boss in Act 3 of Diablo 3 is Azmodan. Azmodan is the Lord of sin and the last remaining prime evil left alive. He is actually a fairly hard fight so use this boss guide to get the edge on him.

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Diablo 3 Guide

The last boss in Act 3 of Diablo 3 is Azmodan. Azmodan is the Lord of sin and the last remaining prime evil left alive. He is actually a fairly hard fight so use this boss guide to get the edge on him. Let’s get started.

As usual this is best done in a group. This is for normal.

First off for the Diablo 3 Azmodan boss guide is his moves. He has a ton of moves and his basic attack isn’t really that bothersome. If he uses it on you try to avoid it but you will have more pressing things to worry about.

His most devastating move is a fire ball. It will follow you for awhile until it disappear or hits you. If it does hit you it will bring a ton of your hp down. You can out run it but it isn’t easy.

The second annoying move is a bunch of black circles. These circles start small and expand slowly damaging you if you stand in them. Don’t sit in one for long. Also it should be noted that he will likely place multiple ones down at a time. Never sit in one and fight him.

He also can call down corpses from the sky to land on you and do damage. Try to avoid it but it doesn’t hurt as bad as all his other moves.

The last move has him summoning demon spawners. This can be used to your advantage if you let a few out and close the portal. They do drop red orbs so use them to heal up if you need. If not destroy the spawn point to stop them from coming out.

For this fight you need something that can get you out of his black circles quickly. Some sort of dash or speedy move to not get murdered by them. A shield or strong defensive move would be great in case one of those fireballs is coming at you and you need to reduce the damage. Unlike Belial this guy is not immune to CC so bring something to stop his attacks when you can. I really like the monk roll for this because you can slot a stun rune on it and keep him locked down for a bit. Attack wise you have a couple choices. You won’t be able to hit him for long periods of time during the black circles unless you find a good spot. I’d bring some sort of dot or slow to make sure that when you hit him you get maximum damage in. You can also bring some sort of AoE for his minions. Though you can use the red orbs to heal it’s better to not have to wait for him so bring something to help you heal. This is also a fairly long fight and losing at the end really sucks. Monks I’d bring the Mantra of evasion with the increased armor buff. If you are healing bring the healing mantra to assist in keeping everyone alive.

If you have no heal bring the Templar and have him heal you.

Now for the fight part of the Diablo 3 Azmodan boss guide. He will say his speech then dive right into the fight. With me he started with a fireball and normal attacks. Avoid the fireball if it is after you if not fight him until something else happens.

While you are fighting him he will start to drop the corpses from the sky and place a demon spawn point. Make the call use them to heal up or shut it down before you get overwhelmed by them. Make sure not to sit under the corpses unless you want to take that damage and hurt him.

At around 70% he will start to place the black circles. I was lucky and had a brief spot where I wasn’t hit by it and could still hit him. The circles ended up being all around me and my team couldn’t do much to hit him but I could. Never ever stand in the circle for long unless you want to die. If you do get caught save your shielding ability  then use something that can make you get out of it quickly. Always be looking ahead so you don’t just walk right into a new one.

As he gets lower he will spawn more demons and even start to place them in his black circles. Ranged should be able to kill them without being hit by the circle so let them do it. If you have no ranged use any buffs you have and break them before to many spawn. If one is in the circle you need to make a choice. Normally the choice is let the circle disappear then go kill it so you don’t die. If you have enough hp and he has multiple spawn points going you may have no choice but to bring it down in the circle. Either way he is going to be a hater and shoot fireballs at you.

He did become see through for me at the end but up to that point I could keep him locked down no problem so be sure to CC him often!

The boss is not very difficult all that you really need to do it avoid his black circles and not let many demons spawn. Remember that even if you are not fighting him his fireball may still be coming after you. Keep your eye on the prize and bring him down. Grab your loot and beat the quest.

That will end the Diablo 3 Azmodan boss guide. Check out our Diablo 3 Walkthrough Guide Collection for tons of other useful guides and information.

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Diablo 3 Beating Cydaea https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/diablo-3-beating-cydaea/ https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/diablo-3-beating-cydaea/#respond Fri, 18 May 2012 00:44:16 +0000 https://www.gamersheroes.com/?p=6450 The second big boss in Diablo 3 Act 3 is called Cydaea. She is a giant spider and the wife of Azmoden apparently. She can be a tricky fight but with this boss guide you can bring her down easily!

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Diablo 3 Guide

The second big boss in Diablo 3 Act 3 is called Cydaea. She is a giant spider and the wife of Azmoden apparently. She can be a tricky fight but with this boss guide you can bring her down easily! So let’s go.

This fight is best done in a group. This is for normal.

First off for the Diablo 3 Cydaea boss guide is her moves. Her basic attacks are bites and punches. These don’t hurt that bad so don’t worry about them unless you are low.

The most annoying part of the fight is the fact she is constantly summoning little spiders. They die quick but if you don’t deal with them quickly you will be overwhelmed. AoE them to bring them down quickly. I couldn’t tell if they dropped red orbs or not.

She has two ranged moves. One of which is a slow web that sits on the floor. Get out of the web to avoid the slow. Her second move is a spit. These can poison you if they hit but you can see them coming and dodge it if you are quick enough. Heal through it if you end up getting poisoned.

Like every other boss is she is see through that means she is immune to CC.

Now for the fight part of the Diablo 3 Cydaea boss guide. As soon as the fight starts the baby spiders will start coming out. If you have extra players make sure someone with range is picking them off now and then in order to not overwhelm you.

She moves around a lot and she is quick. Expect her to dash right past you launch a slow then do a poison spit. A good idea is to run out of the slow on an angle in order to avoid her spit. Any dash or roll type move can get you out of the web quickly. If she doesn’t spit at you she might just rush at you and start the melee attacks.

As she gets lower more and more tiny spiders will pop out. I cannot stress this enough do not let them overwhelm you!  Before she dies she will go up into the ceiling and have even more spiders come out at you. At this point be sure to clear as many as you can before she drops. In the two fights I did with her she did that at about 40% and 10%.

If you can contain the spiders and avoid her poison this fight is fairly simple. Use potions when you have to and CC her when she isn’t immune. Beat her down and grab your loot.

That will end the Diablo 3 Cydaea boss guide. Check out our Diablo 3 Walkthrough Guide Collection for tons of other useful guides and information.

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Diablo 3 Beating Ghom https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/diablo-3-beating-ghom/ https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/diablo-3-beating-ghom/#respond Thu, 17 May 2012 23:43:33 +0000 https://www.gamersheroes.com/?p=6448 The first big boss in act 3 of Diablo 3 is called Ghom. He is a fat blob creature that has a constant poison coming off him. This boss guide will help you slaughter him next time you decide to face him.

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Diablo 3 Guide

The first big boss in act 3 of Diablo 3 is called Ghom. He is a fat blob creature that has a constant poison coming off him. This boss guide will help you slaughter him next time you decide to face him. Let’s get started.

I did this in a group and solo. Group is way easier. This is for normal.

First off for the Diablo 3 Ghom boss guide is his moves. He really doesnt have many moves but he has a constant poison around him. This both slows and damages you. It will increase the lower in hp he gets so try to hold him one spot so it won’t spread. Ranged can avoid it fairly simple but melee will have to sit through it. Potion or heal when you need to and get out of it if you are close to dead. He will chase but at least this way you have a chance of surviving.

Now he has two basic attacks. One is a volley of punches that don’t hurt much and really don’t need to be dodged. The other is a large bit from his stomach mouth. This can be avoided and should be. when you see his body jerk back that means he is going to try and snap at you. Avoid it if you can or expect a chunk of hp to be gone.

He will not get any adds so don’t expect help from red orbs.

Simply because his poison is constantly hurting you bring some sort of heal. Can be stunned, blinded etc so bring something like that to keep him locked down. If you are ranged a slowing attacking would be a good idea so he doesn’t catch up to you. Melee should use a dodge move to avoid his normal attacks. As normal any debuff on his defenses or attacks is a good idea. Bring a high damage move as well to end the fight quicker.

Bring the Templar to heal if you need a healer.

Now for the actual fight part of that Diablo 3 Ghom boss guide. When you walk in he will talk a big game then start to attack. Right away you will likely be in his poison. Ranged should get out of it and melee should just take it and hurt him for a bit. If you get low back out and heal. Remember you can CC him if he isn’t see through.

The melee in the group will start to get hit by his little arm attacks over and over. Not much damage on it but mixed with the poison you might be in trouble after a few hits. Remember the poison will settle so don’t run into your teammates if you need to run.

After about a third of his hp he will start doing the bite. It can be avoided so try to dodge it when you can. A large problem here is that the slow starts to stack as he gets lower making it more difficult to dodge. Use something like the monks dash to go right through him and avoid it if you can’t run effectively.

The bite will come more and more often so dodge or CC him to cancel it. The poison cloud will also get bigger and bigger to try to keep him in a confined area so it doesn’t spread to far. If you play smart and avoid his attacks to the best of your ability you should be able to bring him down.

After he dies grab that loot and beat the quest.

That will end the Diablo 3 Ghom boss guide. Check out our Diablo 3 Walkthrough Guide Collection for tons of other useful guides and information.

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Diablo 3 Walkthrough Guide Collection
A collection of our best guides will be listed here in our Diablo 3 Walkthrough Guide Collection. Diablo 3, one of the most highly anticipated games of all time is finally here and as always, the members here at Gamers Heroes are doing everything we can to ensure there’s a guide for every aspect of the game possible. Our Diablo 3 Walkthrough Guide Collection will be updated on a regular basis so check back for more guides if you find yourself stuff. Feel free to leave a comment if you know something we’ve missed or have an idea for a guide.

Diablo 3 Event Locations Guides
Act 1

Diablo 3 Lore Locations Guides
Diablo 3 Act 1 Journal entry locations

Diablo 3 Miscellaneous Guides
How To Identify Items
How To Make Your Character Speak
How To Level Fast In Diablo 3
Diablo 3 Blacksmith Guide

Diablo 3 Boss Guides
How To Defeat The Skeleton King
How To Beat The Butcher Guide
Diablo 3 How To Beat Maghda
How To Beat Belial
How To Defeat Ghom
How To Defeat Cydaea
How To Beat Azmodan
How To Beat Rakanoth
How To Beat Diablo

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Diablo 3 Beating Belial https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/diablo-3-beating-belial/ https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/diablo-3-beating-belial/#comments Thu, 17 May 2012 07:17:12 +0000 https://www.gamersheroes.com/?p=6426 The last boss in Act 2 of Diablo 3 is Belial. You get a huge history on this guy during Act 2 so it is nice to bring him down early in the game. This boss guide will help you bring him down with no trouble at all.

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Diablo 3 Guide

The last boss in Act 2 of Diablo 3 is Belial. You get a huge history on this guy during Act 2 so it is nice to bring him down early in the game. This boss guide will help you bring him down with no trouble at all. So let’s get the show on the road.

I did this in a party and I recommend you do as well.

First of for the Diablo 3 Belial boss guide is his moves. He has a ton and this fight is actually three parts.

For the first part you only have to kill his men so that’s no big deal.

For the second part he is still pretty basic. He can dash and attacks fast. Try to move out of the way of his dash if you can. Tank and spank this part then the real fun begins.

The third part is the true for of Belial. His first attack is simply a basic attack at you. It is harder to dodge because of how big his arms got but you can see it coming and move if you are quick. You can tell where he is going to hit by the green circles he puts down. This can be dodged with a dodge move.

One of his more annoying moves is an arm sweep. He sweeps nearly 100% of the ground in a direction. Run the opposite direction and all the way to the end to avoid this. Can be dodged by a dodge move.

He also likes to spit what I assume is acid out at you from side to side. Run the opposite direction to avoid this. Can be dodged with a dodge move.

His most devastating move is when his arms are in the ground. Green circles will appear on the ground and it will only take two to finish you off. You have about three seconds if you are standing on one to get off and to a safe spot. Do not underestimate this move because it will kill you. Cannot be dodged so just stay out of them!

I’d bring an AoE ability for the first part of the fight. This is so you can just get through it quicker.

For the second and third part of the fight you will want to bring a single target damage move instead. Some sort of CC to cancel any abilities you can(He is immune during the third phase so switch it for something else.). If you have a shield or something that brings up your defense dramatically bring that as well. Dodging the green circles is best but if you get caught you should have something to keep yourself alive. Also bring a dodge The monk roll for instance can go right through any of his melee attacks if you time it right. Left click abilities that either dot him, debuff him or heal you would be the best choice. This is a long fight so wearing him down slowly isn’t the worst thing in the world.

If you don’t have a group bring a follower to make it a bit easier on yourself.

Now for fight part of the Diablo 3 Belial boss guide. As stated above this is a tiered fight.

First part of the fight is you against all his men. Easy fight really.

Second part is against his lesser form. All he really does here is dash and punch. Avoid the dash and try not to get pummeled obviously but he is fairly simple on this stage as well.

Now for the fun part. The world gets torn down around you and you are in his realm. Don’t expect him to wait around because I got swiped nearly instantly. Without any red orbs to help you out you have to play smart to beat him. I brought all my self buffs and debuffs for the start of the fight.

When he swings at you avoid it and then hit him before he can retaliate.

Once he does his wide arc swing and you need to run the opposite way you can hit him when he finishes. If you can tell it is going to happen you can avoid it and hit him for the entire duration of his swing. Don’t get ahead of it though! You can also dodge through it if you time is correctly.

Once you start to wear him down a bit he will use the green circle move. Do not even try to hit him during this because you need to focus on surviving. The good thing about this part if that he can’t do anything else which means your potion cool down can refresh. If you are get caught in one and can’t dodge to a free space use something to brace for the hit. A shield or anything of that nature to make sure you do not die and lose all your progress.

He will start to spew acid at you eventually just to toss things up. Once you avoid that attack is is a prime time to hit him fast and hard. Getting as many strikes in as you can before he switches up his attack plan will help you get out this fight a lot faster. This can be dodged and once you do I would recommend hitting him until he does something else.

Avoid the attacks and hit him after you avoid them is pretty much how you beat Belial.

Expect him to use the green circle attack more and more as you damage him. Even if he is really close to death don’t risk attack during this phase!

Once you beat him get your loot and beat the quest. You can now get to Act 3.

That will end the Diablo 3 Belial boss guide. Check out our Diablo 3 Walkthrough Guide Collection for tons of other useful guides and information.

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Diablo 3 Beating Maghda https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/diablo-3-beating-maghda/ https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/diablo-3-beating-maghda/#respond Thu, 17 May 2012 06:54:48 +0000 https://www.gamersheroes.com/?p=6423 The first big boss in act 2 of Diablo 3 is named Maghda. By now you’ve likely been wanting to kill her anyways for all the crap shes been pulling. This boss guide will help you bring her down quickly and easily. So let’s get started. I had a party with me for this one. …

The post Diablo 3 Beating Maghda appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Diablo 3 Guide

The first big boss in act 2 of Diablo 3 is named Maghda. By now you’ve likely been wanting to kill her anyways for all the crap shes been pulling. This boss guide will help you bring her down quickly and easily. So let’s get started.

I had a party with me for this one. This is for normal.

First off for the Diablo 3 Maghda boss guide is her abilities. She has a ranged basic auto attack that hurts a bit but really you cant avoid it.

Her main annoyance is her shield that makes her invincible. At certain percentages of HP she will use this shield and summon some goons. You need to kill the goons in order for her to drop her shield. While she is in this shield she can still attack you so make sure to watch your hp. She will summon more and more as her hp gets lower.

She has another spell which is like an energy blast. You can avoid this one more easier but it is still hard to avoid. Just be sure to watch your hp.

Lastly she can teleport and becomes immune to CC at low hp like the rest of the bosses.

Now for the actual fight part of the Diablo 3 Maghda boss guide. When the fight starts use some CC on her and any debuffs you can in order the reduce her damage on you. Widdle her down until the shield pops up.

Once the enemies are summoned try to save your potion cool downs and instead kill them and grab any red orbs they drop. Yet again the game gives you a helping hand in the healing department.

Clear out the enemies which wont take long then turn your focus back onto her. She will be attacking a bit faster now but honestly it wasn’t to much damage it seemed like. After laying into her she will pop the shield again. This time she will summon more monsters. Kill them and grab any orbs.

Now she will get a bit harder. Not only does she attack more often but she will be immune to CC. What’s this mean for you? Well it means you can’t stun her and wait for a potion to come back for the most part. If you can’t avoid her attacks or defend from them you might as well try to bring her to the last shield phase. Once she is at about 1/4 hp she will use the last shield. This time she will summon a lot more monsters. This mixed with her being untouchable will make you drop low at least once likely. Just burn down the minions and grab the orbs when they drop.

After the last shield breaks she will be raging to kill you. Keep yourself up, or out of the way if you need to heal, and finish the job. Grab your loot and beat the quest.

That will end the Diablo 3 Maghda boss guide. Check out our Diablo 3 Walkthrough Guide Collection for tons of other useful guides and information.

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Diablo 3 Beating The Butcher https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/diablo-3-beating-the-butcher/ https://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/diablo-3-beating-the-butcher/#respond Thu, 17 May 2012 01:57:48 +0000 https://www.gamersheroes.com/?p=6419 The last boss of Act 1 in Diablo 3 is called The Butcher. He is a large brute with a large weapon looking to hurt you. This boss guide will help you bring him down in no time at all.

The post Diablo 3 Beating The Butcher appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Diablo 3 Guide

The last boss of Act 1 in Diablo 3 is called The Butcher. He is a large brute with a large weapon looking to hurt you. This boss guide will help you bring him down in no time at all. So let’s get started!

I did this with a party and alone. The party means more damage output but he is stronger and has more hp. This is for normal.

First off for the Diablo 3 The Butcher boss guide is his moves. His basic attacks are much like the skeleton king’s because he has such a slow swing. When you see his weapon in the air just move out of the way so you do not get hit by it.

His next moved is a pull. If you get to far away from him he will try to pull you in with some hooks. This is not really a problem unless he is sitting on a flame grid. The floor you are fighting on will start on fire in various places. Keep out of the fire and this is a much easier fight.  The fire does NOT hurt The Butcher. If you cannot run out of of it use a dodge move or something that can get you off the platform quicker.

Lastly he has a charge. He revs up and charges right at you. Dodge it and he will be stunned. When he is stunned you want to do as much damage as you can to bring him down quickly.


Even though there are health shrines in the place you may want to bring a heal. If you cannot get out of the fire quick enough you will use those up quickly and the fight can go on for a bit. Any dodge move is a good idea just to keep you out of his face when he is attacking. Some sort of CC for when he is not immune to it (see through is when he is immune). He might be able to be slowed but I am not sure on that at the moment. As usual since it is an one man fight bring something that will do serious one target damage. Left click should be some sort of debuff or dot to help the fight move quicker.

Bring a partner if you do not have a group.

Next for the Diablo 3 The Butcher boss guide is the actual fight. You should notice the two health shrines around. Use those when you need to heal and the potions are on cooldown.

He will likely start with a charge. Avoid it and make him pay by hitting him hard. Dodge out of the way if you think you are going to get hit. Also if you have a debuff/dot of some sort be sure to get it on him.

After a few hits the floors will start to light up. The key to winning this fight is not getting caught on fire. The fire will bring you down very quickly so get out of it asap.

While the floors light up you also needs to be fighting him. Avoid his basic attacks then hit him after he misses. If he pulls you in avoid the next attack or run if the fire is going. If there is no fire try to get a couple hits on him after avoiding his attack.

At about half hp the floor will light up faster and in more spots. Same idea here stay off it when you can. It is extremely hard to avoid it entirely but make sure not to sit in it long. At this point he will be trying to pull you into the fire more often and also charge you into it. Hit him when you can and play safe. There are no lesser mobs here to kill and get red orbs off. When he pulls you if the best option is to roll through him to avoid fire do so. You might have to play the waiting game to damage him but no one wants to redo the entire fight so play it safe.

At about 30% he will becomes immune to CC. Now even more fire should be coming and he is trying to get you in the fire more often. If you can avoid the fire for long periods of him and hit him when you can you will beat him. Use heavy hitting moves to bring him down faster and avoid staying in the fight longer then needed.

After you bring him down collect the loot and head to the next act.

That will end the Diablo 3 The Butcher boss guide. Check out our Diablo 3 Walkthrough Guide Collection for tons of other useful guides and information.

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