Deus Ex: Human Revolution GuidesGame Guides

Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hunting The Hacker Quest Guide

Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hunting The Hacker Quest Guide

Once you arrive in Hengsha in Deus Ex The Human Revolution you will be given a mission right away. The quest is called Hunting the Hacker. This guide will help you get through it with no trouble at all. After you land you will regain control of Jensen. Let’s go. 

The first thing you need to do in the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hunting the Hacker quest guide is head up a level. Check your map and you should see three flights of stairs. One of them is a hotel so don’t take that one. Take one of the other two and once on the next level check where you are and head to the mission marker. Once you get there go through the door.

Once through head to the next marker. Before you can get there security will tell you you can’t go in. If you head back a few feet you should see a ladder. Climb that and keep going up. Once at the top in look right and you should see a tiny gap between the building and a sign. Jump that gap and crouch because there are two guards up here. Wait for them to disperse. Keep left and drop down a level. Head to the ramp and hide by it until a guard comes down. the other one should turn around at this point and you can bring the guard on your level down. Hide the body and make your way to the door at the end of the path.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hunting the Hacker quest guide is getting inside the penthouse. you can take the steps all the way down without any trouble but once you see the elevator peek around the corner to be sure the guard isn’t looking your way. Go into the elevator when it’s clear. There are no guards on either side once you leave the elevator so don’t worry about leaving it. You will see a vending machine in front of you. Move it and enter the vent and follow it to the marker. Leave the vent head right and jump through the broken hole in the wall. You will have to hack the computer there. It’s a pretty easy on it just looks big after you complete it check the emails. Leave the way you came in and you can take the elevator down if you want. If you want to do what I did and get a free Praxis kit then head right when you get out of the vent and you should see a different vent. Take that vent and use the ladders to get to the bottom of the elevator shaft. After that head back up a couple ladders at take the new vent out and avoid all the guards.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hunting the Hacker quest guide is getting to the night club. Head back to the area you landed in and follow the marker to the Hive. Talk to the bouncer and of course you can’t just walk in he wants you to pay. I’m cheap though we’ll find a different way in. Go around into the alley and you will see a dumpster with some boxes on it. Move a box and you will see a vent. Let’s take this way instead. Once inside talk to the bar tender and he will tell you to check the VIP area upstairs. Save and talk to the manager up there. A little discussion mini game will take place.

He has an Alpha personality type so you can use the pheromones on him if you have the augment. Pick pin point first. After that use your Pheromones on him and pick appease. Turns out this guy is Mr. Tong. Head down stairs and save before talking with Mr. Tong again. Leave and let’s head for Garden pods. Before leaving talk to the bar tender and get his side quest.

The last part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hunting the Hacker quest guide is talking with Van. Follow the markers. After about halfway to Van you will run into Malik. Use the Pheromones on her. Her personality is Beta so pick that on. Choose to help her if you want. Once that is over head up to level 3 and check the pod. After he is done talking to you this mission will be over and we will be on a new one.

That will end the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hunting the Hacker quest guide. Check back soon for more guides.

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Johnny Hurricane

Johnny Hurricane is the resident hardcore gamer here at Gamers Heroes. You'll usually find him diving deep into the latest releases as he attempts to conquer each and every game that crosses his path. Mostly known for his ability to create detailed and comprehensive guides on even the most complex of game mechanics, you'll sometimes see the odd review and editorial topic but his true abilities lie in competitive gaming. Johnny Hurricane's Gamer Biography
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