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Deus Ex The Human Revolution Panchaea Quest Guide

The last quest in Deus Ex The Human Revolution is on Panchaea. All the augmented people aside from you have gone a bit crazy and we have to stop them. This quest guide will get you through the level with no problems and help you finish the boss fight. Let’s do it. 

The first thing you need to do in the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Panchaea quest guide is get inside the building. There are two points you can go in and since I had the jump higher augment we will take the easy path. On the left stacked against the building are some cargo crates. Go behind them and jump on the one sticking out a bit. Then jump up to the next cargo crate and you can jump over to an entrance up top. If you can’t jump high then you have to take the route under ground which is on the right side. It has tons of traps so watch it.

Once you get out go left and make it to the stairs. Take the stairs up then turn around and you will see an elevator. Take the elevator up. Once up top feel free to explore since there are enemies at the moment. After you go that take the stairs up and follow the path. Be careful though there is still an active turret near the command center. Once past that jump into the broken glass. Walk a bit and you get a cut scene.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Panchaea quest guide is speaking with Darrow. First pick extrapolate. Then pick critique. Pick critique again. Last pick critique. He will give us a code for the boss fight. After that we have to work our way back to the elevator.

Follow the path back and after you take the stairs down and get near the cafeteria you will see a mob of guys. They can’t sound alarms but if you kill them you will lose the chance at the trophy. You can either knock them all out or just clear enough to run to the elevator. I used PEPS on them, a gas grenade would of been fine to.

Once out of the elevator go down the steps and you will have to cross the gap with guys. You can sneak around them and go into the door that just opened. It will say access granted above it. Go in there and then keep going until you can jump through the broken glass. Then follow the path to the marker. There is a limb clinic before the marker if you have money and want to upgrade. Just follow the sign. Once you make it to the X you will hear Taggert over the intercom asking for help. Let’s help him.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Panchaea quest guide is helping Taggert. This part is a bit hard because there are tons of enemies and you most likely don’t want to kill them. Once you get out into the outside area you will likely see the hordes of them quickly. Jump the ledge and land at the bottom. You should see a ladder you can take up. Take the second one up and you will be by some stairs. To get to these steps you need to deal with about 10 guys. I used a gas grenade after making them group up and went up. When up top go right and you will see a blocked door. You can crouch under it and go in. Follow the path and you will see some cameras. Stay under them and once you get towards the end you will see a door way. Move the crates and go through that door way. Once through you will see the door they are in. It is a level 5 hack so use a auto hacker if you have one and want to. Once inside talk to Taggert. He will give you an option for later. For now head back out to the outside area avoiding the cameras.

Once back outside jump all the way down again and to the left you should see a forklift and a red crate. Use the objects to climb up behind crazy guys. Then go inside the door on the left and Sarif will contact you. Time to help him.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Panchaea quest guide is helping Sarif. Take the elevator right in front of you. Once you get off the elevator follow the path to the first door. Open the door and you will see tons of guys by exploding barrels. You can sneak past them if you take the right wall. Watch them to be sure they aren’t looking because they are a bit sporadic. Once you see the broken door go through it and head to the right again. Look down to be sure no one is down there then drop of the ledge. Yet again if you stick to the right you can sneak past them. Just watch them and be careful when you pass. You will see a door way on the right. Go through it and look up to see a vent. In that room is a box put the box right below the vent and take the vent to Sarif. Go back out the same way you came in and take the elevator back up. Time to move on.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Panchaea quest guide is getting to the broadcast room. Once out of the elevator take a right and follow it for a bit. You will see a room filled with toxic gas to your left. Through the next door is the last large wave of enemies. You can try to disable them but in all honesty I ran and jumped my way through them and only got hit twice. If you want to try that way save before you do it just in case. After that take the stairs and use the large elevator. It’s almost time.

The last part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Panchaea quest guide is well beating the game. Once at the bottom follow the marker and you will start the last boss fight.

First thing we need to do is take out the turrets. Take cover and shoot them when you can. I used my revolver and it took 4 hits each.

After they die rush the middle pillar and find the hack point. The code is 2012 and it will kill all her human parts inside.

This is the hard part. She will start sending out robots and crazy guys to stop you. While this is happening you will hear a voice in the back ground saying warning electricity discharge is about to happen. If where you are standing has all the lights turn red you need to get out asap. You can tell it will go from yellow to orange to red. Don’t stand on it because it will kill you. It will be one at first. Then two. Then lastly three at a time. Avoid it and don’t get killed by the other things. The floor can kill the humans that come after you so lure them onto that if you want.

If you get caught in the electricity then jump and move the direction out of it.

After killing all the robots and the electricity stops you can kill Zhao. Do so and you will get a cut scene. After that go through the door and make your choice. I’d save if i I was you so you can do all the choices for a trophy/achievement.

That will end the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Panchaea quest guide and the game. Good job and if any DLC comes out I’ll be sure to hit that up to.

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Deus Ex The Human Revolution Rescuing Megan Quest Guide Tue, 30 Aug 2011 20:04:28 +0000 Now we are in Singapore in Deus Ex The Human Revolution. The next quest has you rescuing Megan and her team.

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Deus Ex The Human Revolution Rescuing Megan Quest Guide

Now we are in Singapore in Deus Ex The Human Revolution. The next quest has you rescuing Megan and her team. This quest guide will help you get through it without being seen. I have a feeling a boss is here so let’s expect a fight. Anyways moving on. 

The first thing you do in the Deus Ex The Human Revolution rescuing Megan quest guide is head outside. When you get out of that chamber you can explore the surrounding area with no problems if you want. After that head outside and you will hear two guards talking about a couple of people. They will disperse and once they do head towards the one walking away from you. That’s the way we want to go. Once you can slip away from him do so. Okay at this point look at your map and notice we have no clear objective marker. I assumed that since in every other mission we head to the elevators that is where we will be going. So keep left and use the boxes for cover.

Once you get to the wood floor part you should see a camera and two guards talking. We won’t be taking those stairs instead look to the opposite corner and go down that way. Move the box and go under the hole. You should see a laser grid. Wait for the guard to come through and you can sneak behind him if you want but be careful of the camera. If not you will have to deactivate the laser trap then avoid the camera and go up the stairs into the building.

The next thing you do in the Deus Ex The Human Revolution rescuing Megan quest guide is get to the elevator. We have only one big room left to get there. So from the room we are in take the door and go around into the big open room. You will have to go through a decontamination room to get there. Once inside you will see two guards inside a museum looking thing. There is a door way we need to the doorway on the right and take the steps up. I thought the elevator on the left was the way to go but it isn’t. Make sure the guards don’t see you and go for it when you can.

Once up the stairs follow the path to the end and there will be a locked door. Peek around the corner for two guards and a camera. Once the one leaves wait for the camera to look the other way and hack the door. Once inside move the crates and take the elevator up. Once up stairs talk to the guy scientist in the right most area of the room. After that he will tell you where the others are and we need to get to them.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution rescuing Megan quest guide is getting to Nia. She is on the second floor. So take the elevator back down. We still have a camera and guard to avoid so be careful when you leave the room. Once you do head right down the hall. Once all the way down there are two rooms you can go in. The first has a guard. Go in though the second room and knock him out. Then use the terminal in the second room to deactivate the cameras. From there head back to the guard and the camera. With the camera taken out knock the guard out and go open the first door. The code is 1504. In the second lab Nia is waiting. Talk to her.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution rescuing Megan quest guide is finding Declan. Nia says he is in the Mech lab so let’s head there. Leave her room and follow the hall until you can cross over into the next building. Use the sky walk to get there. Head down the steps and we are in the museum part again. This time we need to cross over to the other side. Cross when the guards aren’t looking or use your stealth to run/walk across which is what I did. After that check your map and now we will be taking that elevator down. disable the laser grid and head down. Once down there check your map and go into the large room with steps to find him. Talk to him and he will give us our next objective.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution rescuing Megan quest guide is uploading the virus. It’s pretty far up there so head back up the elevator. We have to go through the museum part again but this time we are going outside. Take right right doorway the same way we came in and you’ll be set. Dodge the guards for one last time. Once you get back outside don’t forget about the camera to the left. Go under it and use the pillars for cover. Watch for the guards. Keep going pylon to pylon avoiding the guards. About 4 in you will see a turret and every time you go to the next pylon it will spot you. Move quick and it won’t be alerted. Once behind it keep going then head up the steps. Follow the path around.

Once you turn around the corner there will be crates you can hide behind. There are no guards but a robot and a camera watching the area. Keep to the left and once you get blocked by a moveable box wait for the robot to pass then move it and go through. Stay under the camera. After that go into the tunnel and we have one last obstacle to get through. One last camera watching the door. I went under it and waited for it to pass then ran for the door. You can emp it or disable it if you want. Once inside upload the virus and the big doors will open. Go inside and take the elevator.

The last part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution rescuing Megan quest guide is dealing with Namir the big mercenary leader. This one is tricky. Any defense augments you have including breathing through poison have been disabled. No typhoon either. So you do have to play defensive.

As soon as the fight starts Namir will be right in front of you. Pull out whatever does the most damage and unload it into him. He will jump and throw a grenade. Avoid it because it can kill you. After that he will cloak and move around. You can find him or he will find you. Either way if you can taze him do so to disable him for a couple seconds then find cover and unload from there. He will shoot at you and toss grenades. Take a hit from either and it’s pretty much game over. Keep shooting him and he will drop pretty quick.

After that go to the objective marker. You will get a cut scene. After that head up to the hanger and open the door then go use the shuttle to end the mission.

That will end the Deus Ex The Human Revolution rescuing Megan quest guide. Looking like we only have one mission left. Check back soon for another guide.

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Deus Ex The Human Revolution Stowing Away Quest Guide Mon, 29 Aug 2011 17:57:21 +0000 The next quest in Deus Ex The Human Revolution is called Stowing away. Basically you have to sneak onto a ship so you need to hide and be put on the ship.

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Deus Ex The Human Revolution Stowing Away Quest Guide

The next quest in Deus Ex The Human Revolution is called Stowing away. Basically you have to sneak onto a ship so you need to hide and be put on the ship. You will have to get through a port with a few guards and cameras. Let’s do it. 

The first thing you have to do in the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Stowing away quest guide is get through the gate to the port. You can do this one of two ways. There is a small shed like building you can go to right in front of you and hack the computer to open the doors. That is more risky once the door opens a guard will check it out. Or you can go to the right corner and move a create and go under the fence. I prefer this method. This is also the method I will use for the guide.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Stowing away quest guide is getting to the hiding spot. Once through the hole you will see a building to your left. Go into that building and there will be a guard one the chair. He will likely hear you come in so take him down. From there use the computer to disable the cameras and turrets. After that head back out to where you started.

Head around the corner then take a right. We want to cross the gap without being seen. We ave three obstacles. One sniper on a roof across from us and two guards patrolling. The sniper isn’t much to worry about but the patrols are. Once they are not watching cross over.

Keep following the red crates until you get to another building. We want to go in there and disable the cameras. Again watch for that sniper. Disable the cameras and the robots from in there. After that head back out to the back of the building.

This next part can be done very easy with the stealth augment and silent running. If you have that activate the stealth and run to the next building you need to get in. If not you have to watch the sniper and the guard. Once they are both not locking cross the gap to the building. As you do that another sniper can see you so stay low and take cover when need be.

Once there go inside and there is a guard at the table. If he is alerted to you wait for him to come at you then hide. Once the walks around back towards his seat take him down. After that hack the door and open the locker to get the package.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Stowing away quest guide is planting the bomb. After you get the package open up the man hole and drop down. It has poison gas in it but if you followed my previous guides then you already have that perk. Even though we disabled some robots the one down here is still patrolling. It was cross the gap right in front of you and once it does head down the hall and take a right.

Keep following that path to the door that leads outside. We are trying to get to the stairs that are on the top of the map. Once you open the door you should see a guard. Take him down because the camera down here is disabled. Drag his body back in just in case. After that head up the stairs.

Once up stairs take a right and stay against the wall. Head straight to the next door keeping under the sniper and watch for the guards. Once you get to the door it has to be hacked. Do it quick because a guard patrols. You can wait for him to come and turn back around first if you want. Once inside use the security hub to disable the next set of cameras.

Now head to the factory through the other door. This part was really easy for me. I just stuck to the left and crouch walked all the way to the steps. Once up top take the ladder and you will see a vent shaft you can take. Take it down and then go into the next room. Place Tong’s bomb and you will have beat the mission.

That will end the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Stowing away quest guide. Check back soon for more missions.

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Deus Ex The Human Revolution GPL Device Quest Guide Sat, 27 Aug 2011 18:45:21 +0000 After leaving Detroit in Deus Ex The Human Revolution you will head back to China. You are shot down mid flight so you can't land where you want to. Even though you are shot down you still need to find the GPL device.

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Deus Ex The Human Revolution GPL Device Quest Guide

After leaving Detroit in Deus Ex The Human Revolution you will head back to China. You are shot down mid flight so you can’t land where you want to. Even though you are shot down you still need to find the GPL device. This quest guide will help you find it quick. Let’s go.

The first thing you need to do in the Deus Ex The Human Revolution GPL device quest guide is make a choice. You can leave Malik to her fate or save her. If you choose to save her take out the robot and the guys with the heavy rifles ASAP or else she will die. Use an EMP grenade on the robot if you have one. After the big guys are down deal with the rest and you should be fine. If you let the big guys linger they will kill her in a few minutes. After that take the elevator up and you are back in Hengsha.

After walking a bit Pritchard will tell you to visit a limb clinic. I was going to do that anyways so let’s stop by. Talk to the lady behind the desk and she will fix you up. After that feel free to leave the clinic but be careful there is a guard out there who is looking for you. Keep right and go up the steps without him seeing you. After that head for the other distract.

Once in the other distract we have to get to a well guarded area. So get on the roof and head that direction. When you get right above it you will see a vent. Take that vent and you will have avoided all the guards.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution GPL device quest guide is inside the harvester hide out. Once inside you can either manage you way down without falling or just fall if you have the augment to survive long falls. Once down there open up the wall and you will be in a parking garage. We nee to go down so keep left and head down the ramp. Once you get to the bottom head right and sneak behind the guards. Keep following that path to the next section. You should see a guard with a huge gun walking by at the point. Let’s keep out of his sight.

After he passes stay to the right and against the wall. It will take long but it is also less risky. Keep following the wall and you will see a door. Don’t open the door because a guy is waiting inside. Instead go behind the couches and get to the broken cars. Follow that to the end and you will see some boxes you can move. You can move them or go around them. From there go through the door way and hide behind the generator. Be sure no guards are watching the door way.

There will be a guard staring out a window. I don’t think he turns around so we can pass him and enter the door. You will get a cut scene.  Then the mission is over and you are on to the next one.

That will end the Deus Ex The Human Revolution GPL device quest guide. Check back soon for more guides.

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Deus Ex The Human Revolution Isaias Sandoval Quest Guide Sat, 27 Aug 2011 17:25:37 +0000 After returning to Detroit in Deus Ex The Human Revolution, Sarif will want you to g to a convention center and find Isaias Sandoval. That part of the mission is pretty easy so I excluded it from the guide. After the convention center you need to go to his apartment. Let’s go.  The first thing …

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Deus Ex The Human Revolution Isaias Sandoval Quest Guide

After returning to Detroit in Deus Ex The Human Revolution, Sarif will want you to g to a convention center and find Isaias Sandoval. That part of the mission is pretty easy so I excluded it from the guide. After the convention center you need to go to his apartment. Let’s go. 

The first thing we need to do in the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Isaias Sandoval quest guide is head to his apartment. It’s over near the police station to head that way. You will have to take ladder up so do that. Once inside go through the metal gate and down the steps are two guards. If you have the augment to take down two people at once do it and if not wait for them to scatter and take them down. After that head to his apartment. There will be a dead guy on the floor and a praxis kit. Do not touch the kit yet because it its a trap. Instead open the door into the next room and use cover to see if a guy is in there. I had Zeke in there and I knocked him out. Loot his body for a safe code. Check the picture on the wall for a secret safe. The password is 5463. After that head to the bathroom and to the left there will be boxes stacked up. Move them and hit the breaker. A new room will open and we can also go get our praxis kit so grab it. After that head down the stairs of the new open door and there will be two guards. Bring them down at the same time if you can or wait for them to scatter and take them out one at a time.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Isaias Sandoval quest guide is going into the sewer. Go into the large red crate and drop down or take the ladder. Follow the path until it splits and take cover because a guard will be coming. Once he passes look left and go through the gap in the wall and follow it all the way to the end. At the end check the left to see a guard just looking off into the distance. If he is at the laser grid it is deactivated so take him down while he is in it and you can walk right through. Then take a left and slowly walk past the mine and you can get into the door.

After the cut scene you can persuade him to knock kill himself. He was an omega for me so watch for that. First pick inspire. Then pick empathize. Then pick inspire. It isn’t a perfect persuasion but it got the job done. After that take the door out on the right. Follow that path and hack the door and you are home free. Head back to your apartment. Go up to the helipad and fly back to HQ.

That will end the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Isaias Sandoval quest guide. Come back soon for more guides.

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Deus Ex The Human Revolution Eliza Cassan Quest Guide Fri, 26 Aug 2011 06:34:26 +0000 After leaving China in Deus Ex The Human Revolution you will go to Montreal. Once here you have to find Eliza Cassan.

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Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hengsha Side Quest Guide

After leaving China in Deus Ex The Human Revolution you will go to Montreal. Once here you have to find Eliza Cassan. This quest guide will help you do that then escape after without being caught. Let’s get on with it.

The first thing you need to do in the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Eliza Cassam quest guide is find Eliza. Follow the marker to her and there will be a cut scene. No guards are here yet so don’t worry. After the cut scene we will need to escape. I know that there needs to be some longevity to the game but man can I just go in and get out for once? Anyways leave Eliza’s office and go right. Once you get to the open area there will be tons of guards. Take cover and wait for them to disperse. Once they do go around into the area the guards aren’t patrolling. Once you get to the gap make sure no one is looking in. Keep following the path around and stopping at every gap to be sure you don’t get caught. Once you get to the hall go in and enter the bathroom at the end of it. There is a vent you want to go in. Follow it through and take cover once you exit to watch the guard between you and the elevator.

Once you can cross over to the couch and take cover behind it. It’s a slow burn but you will make it if you stay out of sight of the two guards and the camera in the room. Be careful when you cross the gap because the camera can see you. Once on the other side don’t move when the guard is walking towards you because he will check it out. Get on the elevator and head down.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Eliza Cassam quest guide has you going to the back of the tv news room. Of course about 15 guards stand in your way to we have to sneak around like a rat. Go towards the marker and take the first door on your right. There will be cleaning supplies and such in here. Take the next door out and  head towards the main big room. We will be taking the steps up and taking out the snipers. After you take out the first one be sure to move quick and get the second one because he patrols right to where you are. At one point the second one will look over and talk to a guy down below. Don’t take him down when hes doing that. With them gone we can move a bit more freely down below.

Now head back the way you came up because going down the other stairs is just to much of a hassle, these dudes are paranoid. There is a turret in this room which can spot you from anywhere so we have to be aware of that when moving as well. Anyways keep to the left and move from gap to gap. You may have to take more time due to the turret but that’s the price we pay for not being caught. The turret can see you without going off for about 3 seconds. After you finally make it to the way point you then have to hack the door. Make sure the guy just went back the other way and do it.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Eliza Cassam quest guide is getting through the bottom floor. Right when you go down the steps there are two guys waiting. I didn’t even give them a chance to talk I took them both down since I had the take two guys down at once augment. After that I looted one of the bodies for a storage room code. If we come across it we’ll open it. After looking around a bit it’s down the first long hallway at the end and the code is 0068. It had a heavy rifle and some ammo in it. After that head to left entrance of the big room with our next objective. Inside this room are a couple guards a turret and camera. Don’t go in though move the vending machine and behind that is a vent. We can take that some of the way in. Once you exit you will see a computer and a ladder. Ignore both and you should see a hole you can go through on the left we’ll take that path. After that go around and hit the elevator button. Surprise! They now know you are here so all that crawling around was pretty much pointless. Anyways fend them off how you see fit I don’t kill so I used gas and concussion on them. They tossed quite a bit of gas my way but I was immune to it. If you aren’t you’re gonna have to move around which could be dangerous. Worst part of this is if you aren’t going to kill anyone you just have to sit here with all the cool weapons. After a few minutes the elevator will come and you can go.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Eliza Cassam quest guide is at the bottom of the elevator. Once you get to the bottom you will most likely sigh because there is camera and laser trap awaiting you which would indicate that there are some guards down here as well. You will have to disable the laser grid in order to get past it but the camera watches it. I used my stun gun on it then disabled the grid. Note the stun gun will only work on it for a few seconds so be quick.  After that the hallway grid will be down and two guards will walk through. After they come through go behind them down the hall.

After exiting the long hall we will be going right. Head into the room and on the second computer you can disable two cameras, do so. Then open the other door and a guard should hear and it and walk in. Wait for him then take him out. After that head up the stairs. Take the hall down until you get to the first door on the right. Open it check the computer and drawers for the armory code. Then head down past the camera and on the right you will see the armory. Go in use the code on the computer (titom) and disable the camera. Now you can hack the armory door if you want it’s a level 4 hack. I didn’t have any room as it was so it didn’t matter to me. Then leave and go right.

Our last big obstacle in the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Eliza Cassam quest guide is this room. Once you open the door you will see a guard. Ignore him for now and go left into that room. The back computer is a security hub. Hack it and disable the cameras. After that leave the room and go right and head down the steps. With the cameras down we only have to worry about a couple guards between us and the door. The main one is the guy patrolling right below the steps. Dodge him and we are home free. Once inside the door watch out because there is an emp mine. If you walk slow enough towards it you can disable it and keep going down the steps. At the bottom is a guard. Wait for him to pass and then pass behind him into the room on the other side. Once inside turn left and you should see a small room with a computer. Hack that computer and disable both the cameras. Now if you see that guard again knock him out. If not cross the hallway to next door and use the code 0101. Then look behind the desk for some crates you can move. Do so and use the vent to get into a room with a locked computer. The password is widget. Loot a few things out of there as well.

Once you leave that room make sure the guard is down then hack the door on the left. Go through and the take a left. Right before you enter this room the is a room with a heavy rifle and ammo in it. Take it if you want then enter the main room.

You will get a cut scene and then the boss fight will commence. The objective just calls her the mercenary leader. Her real name is Yelena. This is the stealth girl from the first part of the game. She will stealth and run at you and try to hit you with explosives. dodge or hit her with a stun gun. If you stun her pull out a different weapon and shoot her. After she recovers she will try to shoot you with her machine gun as well. After a couple stuns assuming you have a strong enough real gun you will kill her no problem.

After beating her you can loot around the room then head to the helipad to complete the mission.

That will end the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Eliza Cassam quest guide and the boss fight.

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Deus Ex The Human Revolution Searching For Proof Quest Guide Fri, 26 Aug 2011 02:24:29 +0000 The next main mission in Deus Ex The Human Revolution is called Search for Proof. This guide will get you through the quest without being seen and help you take down any bosses you may encounter.

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Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hengsha Side Quest Guide

The next main mission in Deus Ex The Human Revolution is called Search for Proof. This guide will get you through the quest without being seen and help you take down any bosses you may encounter. This place looks fairly big so we may be here for awhile. Let’s go. 

The first thing you do in the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Search for Proof quest guide is get off the train. Pritchard will tell you to go up so let’s do that. Take the door and keep going up the steps. Don’t worry no guards here. Once you reach the top you have to hack the door. Go through the door and head left you will get a cut scene. A guy is dying in poison gas and needs you help. The door is right to the left but takes a lvl 3 hacking skill to open. If you have been following my side quests guides then you should be able to do this so let’s do it. Once you get inside use the valve and the gas will be cleared. After that check the the lockers and get the pocket secretary then go into the gas room. Hope the wreckage and talk with the guy and he will give you directions and a way past the guards. After that leave and head to the marker. Once the guard stops you tell him Lee sent you and you’ll be fine.

While in that room you can activate the maintenance cat walk by entering the code 5720 on the console. After that leave out the left door and climb the ladder up. Use the cat walk to cross into a room with two lockers and a vent. At the end of the vent you will have to fall to your death unless you have the augment which I did so I fell. At the bottom there is a vent you will take. Once you exit head left and go to the marker and watch out for the camera.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Search for Proof quest guide is getting to the tower. Once you go through the doors head up to the top of the steps. There is a guard up there so knock him out and hide him in the pump room. After that it’s a clear path to the elevator that the marker is on. Take the elevator. Once off the elevator you can either hack the door on the right and hit the breaker or go into the next room and take the vent on the right to hit the breaker. From there go back and use the crate to jump up to a high part. Keep going up until you make it to a walk way then take the ladder. Once up there take the next elevator up.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Search for Proof quest guide is getting to the data room. Once you get off the elevator go left and you can go through a door. Like Pritchard said this floor is public so you don’t need to sneak just keep following the path you can take a left. Look left to see two guards. Go straight again and take the next left. Take the first door on the right and then go hack the door to the next room. Once inside take the vent and you will end up in an area protected by guards. Get caught here and they will alert everyone so save. After that head out the door into the main area and keep going right. The lab guys didn’t see me because they were busy doing there own work so stay crouched and go to the steps. Once you make it up the steps you will see a guard. Eventually he will go look over the railing. Head right and either move or jump the boxes and head for the door. Make sure the camera doesn’t see you though. Once in the next room take the path until you hear two people talking. The lab girl will leave eventually and if she sees you don’t worry she doesn’t say anything. After that walk by the guard and head up stairs. I guess they don’t care if you are here all of a sudden.

Once up stairs the guards won’t mind if you are there but if the camera sees you it’s game over. Walk towards the data room and the guy will shoo you away. Take a right and de activate the laser grid down the stairs. Once you go through that grid the guards will start to care again to be careful. Take out the first guard when he isn’t looking. No need to move the body no one else comes down here. After that take the path and at the first corner peek around and see two more guards. The one that paths into the hall is the one we care about. Take him out if you want then head for the door to the data room. The Data Room password is 0703. Once inside we have a new challenge.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Search for Proof quest guide is getting past the Data Core room puzzle. First head down the stairs and hide behind the screen with the server info and wait for the laser to pass. You can stand then run to the next box and take cover. Cross over to the next side on the left by crouching under the laser. The moving laser doesn’t reach that far so move to the next box in front of you. The next part can be tricky so save. Once the laser passes from your box heading to the next one jump up and over the box you are taking cover on. Jump the laser and run past where the moving laser patrols. Careful not to go to far though or the next laser trap will get you. Once you watch the lasers moving a couple times go against the right wall. Once the laser go to the screen run at the screen and hide behind it. Once there you should see a door way protected by some lasers. The bottom one will blink and flicker out for a few seconds. It will blink three times then you can cross. Once you do move the box and take the vent. At the end of the vent is a room with three guards. Save just in case you get caught.

Take out the guy at the desk first since he is alone. After that let your energy recharge and sneak up behind the next two. I had the ability to take down two at once but it didn’t work here so we’ll do it a different way. Take one down and before the other one can turn around and shot use an energy bar to replenish and take him out. It has to be fast but I did it on my second try so it is possible. After that go back to where you knocked out the first guy and hack the computer. Turn the camera off in front of the door. Then go out the door back into the laser area. Once the laser passes the door take a right and move the crate to sneak under the other laser grid. After that take the elevator down. Once you leave the elevator you get a cut scene.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Search for Proof quest guide is getting up to the women you just saw. Go through the door on the left and you will have more lasers to deal with. Way easier this time though just wait for them to move out of the middle and cross. Once you make it through the door at the end there are a couple things you can hack if you want then go to the next door. In here are a couple guards and a camera. I got saw by the first guard kind of so he came towards me and I took him out. If you don’t then that fine. Head up the main path then go left. You will see a door you can go in do that and you will be in a conference room. Take the door out and watch for the guard. If he isn’t looking this way head towards the door. Once the camera passes slip on in. If you don’t do any exploring it’s a straight shot to the next area. If you do some of the rooms have guards so watch it. Open the door to the next area and watch out for the camera. Once it isn’t looking at you, you can sneak right under it, hop the desk and get the password then go right out the door. Then take the elevator. Get off the elevator and head to the marker. No guards don’t worry.

The last part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Search for Proof quest guide is escaping. Well we fell for her tricks so now we need to get out without being seen. Head down the steps and look right and you will see a vent against that wall. Take it. Look around before exiting the vent so your not seen. If they say whose there or whatever when you open the vent exit then just hang back till they disperse. Just one of those moments I’d rather go in guns blazing but I won’t. As soon as you get out of the vent hide just go right. I pretty much just made a break for it while crouched and got out without behind seen. If you give them to much time they get all set up and can see every angle. Get to the elevator and take it. Once you get to the hanger bay the doors are locked so she can’t get in. Go figure everything up to this point we pretty hard so why make my escape easy?

Anyways head out and jump over the railing and take cover against the helipad. We need to go right but for now go under the helipad. Then he out on the other side and take a right to the steps. Even though they know we are here avoid the cameras. If you are quick the robot will be patrolling the other way and you can sneak behind it. Head up stairs into the first room. Loot and check the computer if you want then head across the cat walk to the next room. Hack that computer and disable the cameras. If you can disable the robots you should do that. If not then you have to kill them. You should of gained enough points here to buy it if you didn’t spend any. After that head to the first room and open the hanger doors. Finally out of here.

That will end the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Search for Proof quest guide. Check back soon for the next area.

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Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hengsha Side Quest Guide Thu, 25 Aug 2011 21:32:57 +0000 Now that we are in Hensha in Deus Ex The Human Revolution we will have some more side quests to do. This guide will help you find them and get through all of them with no problems.

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Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hengsha Side Quest Guide

Now that we are in Hensha in Deus Ex The Human Revolution we will have some more side quests to do. This guide will help you find them and get through all of them with no problems. I play sneaky so if you want to just mow everyone down that’s your call. Anyways let’s do it.

Doing this as I go so I will update one quest at a time.

Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hengsha Side quest guide 1 – Shanghai Justice – Assuming you did the first mission and ran into Malik (if not use my guide to get it done) you will have this mission. There will be two markers and one is in the Alice Garden pods. Go there and head to the marker. In that pod will be an ebook and Pocket secretary. Check both while you are here then head to the contact.

The contact is inside the limb clinic. You can buy new Praxis kits from here as well. The guy you are looking for is behind the glass wearing the hat. Pick professional when you talk to him. He will tell you to go outside and speak with him so let’s do that. Go to the market and talk to him and he is a bit paranoid. You can pay him or not but I did just to not have to worry about him later. After that check the pocket secretary. Malik will tell you to go to an apartment so off we go.It is in a different distract so check the map and head there.

Once in the other distract follow the road to the ladder you used to get to the penthouse. Instead of going to the penthouse though follow it around to the apartment. I couldn’t find his code so I had to hack the door which is a level 3 hack. It was actually pretty hard so if you have an auto hacking tool I’d use that instead.

Once inside head to the bathroom and you will then get to check the apartment for clues. Check the answering machine next to his bed. Then check the clock on top of his drawer. Then hack his computer and check his emails. Lastly next to the exit if a baseball bat to check.After that head to the hive.

Even though I left earlier the bouncer still wants me to pay so just go around back and use the vent. Once inside you have to find Lee and talk to him. He is upstairs in the back corner. First pick falsified. Then pick drunk. Then pick the clock. Then pick pregnant. Lastly pick Belltower. After he freaks out you walk away and Malik wants you to hack a lvl 3 terminal. I’m not really sure what the fascination is with everything needed to be hacked but it’s pretty annoying. This one has two circles you need to get to so good luck.

After you finish the hack meet Malik outside and the quest is over.

Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hengsha Side quest guide 2 – Bar Tab – Talk to the bar tender in the Hive named Bobby and he will give you this quest. He wants you to deactivate some relays. Yay more hacking… Anyways head to the first marker. You will have to climb a few ladders and once there it is a rank 2 hack. You will have to capture three nodes in this one but I didn’t have much trouble with it.Be sure to turn it off and let’s head for the next one.

Stay on the roof and go to the marker and you will have to jump on a box sticking out of the wall to get this one. It is also a level 2. Also three nodes on this one.

After that turn left and climb up the ladder and stick to the roofs as you make your way to the next terminal. Be careful when you get to the pent house roof from the first mission because the guards are still there. Take out any in your way and cross over. This one is a level 2 as well and has three nodes as well. Disable it and you will get a new part for the quest.

Now of course this next part couldn’t be easy we have to sneak back in past the guards at the pent house. Use the roof to get back down stairs and take the elevator up. Go right off the elevator and into the room at the end to speak with Jaya. Remember she has an improved social chip so let’s save before talking to her. Pick cold first. After that I used Pheromones and picked appease. After that take the chip. After she gives it to you head back to the hive. Take the vent out if you want to avoid the guards.

Once inside the hive go talk to Bobby. You will have to pay them 5000 or give up the chip. I paid the money but it’s your call. After that the quest is done.

Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hengsha Side quest guide 3 – Rotten Business – In the Hung Hua hotel on level 4 is a lady named Mei. Talk to her and she will give you the quest. She will tell you to talk to a bouncer so go outside and do that first. Once there you can either bribe him with 2000 credits or use Pheromones, which I did,  and pick appease. After that he will tell you where she is. Let’s head for the next marker.

Once you get there you will have to face three guards. Do what you want but I just knocked them out. Whatever you do make it quick they will mow you down fast if not. Once will have a pocket secretary read it. Open the door the code is 5377. Talk to the girl inside then head back to Mei. Talk to her and the quest will be over.

Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hengsha Side quest guide 4 – Rotten Business part 2 – After returning to Mei she wants you to kill a man named Diamond Chan. She tells you he should be in his apartment so let’s head there. It is in a different district if you couldn’t tell. Once there climb the ladders up to roof and jump the tiny gap to his apartment. If you are worried you won’t make it then go up to a higher point and jump it. You have to knock him out then toss him off a roof. He has a revolver you can take if you want, I did. After you toss him over the edge head back to Mei. You get your reward and the quest is done.

Alternatively, you can ask Mei if there are any other ways of disposing of him, to which she will reply with a plan to plant drugs in his apartment. You will still need to knock him out though. Thanks xXStoicTyrantXx.

These next quests will be after you return to China.

Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hengsha Side quest guide 5 – Matter of Discretion – While you are moving through the first mission after returning to China you will get a call from Hugh. He will ask you to meet his contact. Check your map and she is on the roof so climb up a couple ladders and speak with her. Accept the quest and you will taking someones place at a meeting. Head to the marker and once you get there it will split into multiple markers. These are the guys you need to knock out. He doesn’t want them dead to taze them or punch them.

After that report back to the contact on the roof. After that talk to her and you can complete the quest.

Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hengsha Side quest guide 6 – Talion A.D. – After visiting the limb clinic you will get this side quest. We have to stop a Belltower guy that is using a butcher shop as cover. So let’s head for that marker. Once you get there go downstairs and a guy is dead. Loot him for a pocket secretary. He says they are going to hide in the sewers now.

The sewer are in the other distract so go there. If you just did the prior side quest then head to where you knocked the guys out and down there is where the man hole is. If not head to the garden pod area but before going there jump to the lower level. On that level is the man hole. Once down there keep following the path and you will see some guards. There are four in all so do what you want with them. After that return to the limb clinic for your reward.

That will end the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hengsha Side quest guide and most of the area. We did Rotten Business, Bar Tab, Matter of Discretion, Taloin A.D. and Shanghai justice. Come back soon for the next area.

Know a quest I missed? Help me out and leave a comment and I’ll be sure to give you credit.

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Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hunting The Hacker Quest Guide Thu, 25 Aug 2011 19:52:37 +0000 Once you arrive in Hengsha in Deus Ex The Human Revolution you will be given a mission right away. The quest is called Hunting the Hacker.

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Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hunting The Hacker Quest Guide

Once you arrive in Hengsha in Deus Ex The Human Revolution you will be given a mission right away. The quest is called Hunting the Hacker. This guide will help you get through it with no trouble at all. After you land you will regain control of Jensen. Let’s go. 

The first thing you need to do in the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hunting the Hacker quest guide is head up a level. Check your map and you should see three flights of stairs. One of them is a hotel so don’t take that one. Take one of the other two and once on the next level check where you are and head to the mission marker. Once you get there go through the door.

Once through head to the next marker. Before you can get there security will tell you you can’t go in. If you head back a few feet you should see a ladder. Climb that and keep going up. Once at the top in look right and you should see a tiny gap between the building and a sign. Jump that gap and crouch because there are two guards up here. Wait for them to disperse. Keep left and drop down a level. Head to the ramp and hide by it until a guard comes down. the other one should turn around at this point and you can bring the guard on your level down. Hide the body and make your way to the door at the end of the path.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hunting the Hacker quest guide is getting inside the penthouse. you can take the steps all the way down without any trouble but once you see the elevator peek around the corner to be sure the guard isn’t looking your way. Go into the elevator when it’s clear. There are no guards on either side once you leave the elevator so don’t worry about leaving it. You will see a vending machine in front of you. Move it and enter the vent and follow it to the marker. Leave the vent head right and jump through the broken hole in the wall. You will have to hack the computer there. It’s a pretty easy on it just looks big after you complete it check the emails. Leave the way you came in and you can take the elevator down if you want. If you want to do what I did and get a free Praxis kit then head right when you get out of the vent and you should see a different vent. Take that vent and use the ladders to get to the bottom of the elevator shaft. After that head back up a couple ladders at take the new vent out and avoid all the guards.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hunting the Hacker quest guide is getting to the night club. Head back to the area you landed in and follow the marker to the Hive. Talk to the bouncer and of course you can’t just walk in he wants you to pay. I’m cheap though we’ll find a different way in. Go around into the alley and you will see a dumpster with some boxes on it. Move a box and you will see a vent. Let’s take this way instead. Once inside talk to the bar tender and he will tell you to check the VIP area upstairs. Save and talk to the manager up there. A little discussion mini game will take place.

He has an Alpha personality type so you can use the pheromones on him if you have the augment. Pick pin point first. After that use your Pheromones on him and pick appease. Turns out this guy is Mr. Tong. Head down stairs and save before talking with Mr. Tong again. Leave and let’s head for Garden pods. Before leaving talk to the bar tender and get his side quest.

The last part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hunting the Hacker quest guide is talking with Van. Follow the markers. After about halfway to Van you will run into Malik. Use the Pheromones on her. Her personality is Beta so pick that on. Choose to help her if you want. Once that is over head up to level 3 and check the pod. After he is done talking to you this mission will be over and we will be on a new one.

That will end the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Hunting the Hacker quest guide. Check back soon for more guides.

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Deus Ex The Human Revolution Whispers Of Conspiracy Mission Guide Thu, 25 Aug 2011 18:01:31 +0000 After returning from the transmission mission in Deus Ex The Human Revolution you will have to meet with your boss. The next mission is called Whispers of Conspiracy.

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Deus Ex The Human Revolution Whispers Of Conspiracy Mission Guide

After returning from the transmission mission in Deus Ex The Human Revolution you will have to meet with your boss. The next mission is called Whispers of Conspiracy. Pritchard will also message you and ask you to see him first. This guide will help you get through this mission with no problems. I see there being multiple paths on this one so follow me if you want or do your own thing. The first thing you need to do in the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Whispers of Conspiracy mission guide is go talk to Pritchard. He will inform you of a leak that he has since patched up but had to do with the attacks six months ago. Then he lets you know that the boss is the one who created it and we should question him about it. So let’s go see the boss.

Once you get up there a man will stop and talk to you. Pick what you want for him I stayed cool then questioned him and he left. After that go into the bosses office.

The next part of the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Whispers of Conspiracy mission guide is questioning the boss. Save if you are worried but this got me through to him with no problems. First I picked refocus. Then pick defend. Then pick refocus. Last pick defend.

He will send the info to your computer. Go to your computer and check the emails. When you leave Pritchard will talk to you and tell you hes going to back trace it. After that head back up to the boss and talk to him again. He will give you a passport and we are off to China! Clean up any messes you have to deal with here and head to the helipad. Check our side quests guide if you think you are missing anything and if not get on the chopper. Once you get to China the mission is over.

That will end the Deus Ex The Human Revolution Whispers of Conspiracy mission guide and our Detroit missions. check back soon for the China missions.

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