Death Stranding GuidesGame Guides

How To Dismantle Ladders In Death Stranding

How To Dismantle Ladders In Death Stranding
Ladders are a great tool for reaching difficult places and helping out other players. This guide explains How To Dismantle Ladders In Death Stranding as sometimes, you may not want to leave it behind, especially if it’s your last ladder and you’re on rocky terrain.

If you’re on an Order and using a ladder to reach a difficult part of the route, chances are other players will do the same thing. It’s always a good idea to leave the ladders behind if you can, helping other players in a tight spot usually nets you some good Likes.

How To Dismantle Ladders In Death Stranding

However, if you don’t have a spare ladder or just don’t care about other peoples navigation woes, you can pick it up and bring it with you.

  • Stand near the ladder so the “Hold Options” option appears on the screen
  • Hold the “Options” button
  • The Ladder will collapse back into a small carry container
  • You can pick it up and carry it as normal, ready to use for another time.

You can do this with any ladder you encounter.

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Blaine Smith

Blaine "Captain Camper" Smith is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Now operating under the guise of Editor-in-Chief (purely because we felt the position was needed for public relations purposes), he's tasked with a lot of the kind of jobs that would put you to sleep at your desk. When he's not catching some Zs, you'll likely find him arguing points he knows nothing about, playing the latest rogue-like he'll never complete, or breaking something on the website that never needed fixing. You can best reach him on Twitter
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