How To Shoot On Your Bike In Days Gone
It’s not immediately introduced in a tutorial or starting mission but you can shoot while riding your bike in Days Gone. This guide will tell you How To Shoot On Your Bike In Days Gone, explaining the basic mechanics of taking down enemies while cruising on through.
Days Gone focuses heavily on your relationship with your bike. Whether you’re fueling it up, repairing it or modifying it at one of the mechanics shops, it plays a large role in the game. As such, it’s only fitting that you should be able to take down zombies and other enemies while riding your trusted metallic steed.
How To Shoot On Your Bike In Days Gone
To shoot your guns while you are riding your bike in Days Gone is a simple process. When an enemy is in range you need to tap L1. If the enemy is too far away, nothing will happen. If you are within range a white reticle will surround the target.From there you simply press R1 to shoot. The closer you are, the more accurate you are. It’s very inaccurate at long range so, especially if you’re low on ammo, wait until you’re within a close range before taking shots at your enemy.