Dark Souls GuidesGame Guides

Dark Souls Easy Souls Guide

Dark Souls Easy Souls Guide

In Dark Souls you must use souls to level up. The more you level the more souls it will require to get your next level. This guide will help you get quick and easy souls as you play through the game. Let’s get to grinding.

I am listing areas as I go and I think give a decent amount of souls for the littlest amount of work possible. If you know something I don’t please leave a comment so I can add it and I will give you credit.

Dark Souls quick and easy souls guide 1 – This first one is kind of for the lower level people so if you are above 20 you may want to skip it. At the bridge where the dragon is there are 4 guys. The dragon will kill all these guys in a hit if you run close enough for him to spit fire. They give about 300 souls. Now if you use the ladder to go back down to the bonfire you can respawn them and get these souls about every 30 seconds or so. Just take the ladder back up run into the enemies then run back down the steps so you don’t get hit by the fire.

Dark Souls quick and easy souls guide 2 – In Blight town after you make your way through the swamp and to the campfire near the swamp(the one that has a chest if you take the path all the way up) you will have a black phantom NPC invade your world. This NPC has a giant sword, hardly any armor, and a bad shield. What you want to do is avoid his swings and kill him. His sword has a massive hit time some avoiding it is pretty simple. Anyways avoid it and bring him down and you will get over 8000 souls. Now you can only fight him once but if you put your summon stone at that campfire you can be summoned to someone else’s world and face him again. The fire is before you face him so it is likely they will grab you before venturing fourth since this place is dangerous. After bringing him down again you can either go back to your own world or help him with the boss which nets you an additional 10k souls but is not that easiest fight in the world. Your call.

Dark Souls quick and easy souls guide 3 – After ringing both bells return to the Fire Link Shrine. In the area where a treasure chest was already opened you will see a giant serpent(the area had like ankle deep water and the crow is watching over it). Talk to him and accept what he has to say. After that speak to him again and you can feed him items for souls. He will eat anything that you can get rid of thus making all the equipment and items you don’t use worth something finally. Feed everything you want to him but be warned you can’t get it back.

That will end the Dark Souls quick and easy souls guide. If you know an area that is worth checking out let me know and I’ll give you credit!

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Johnny Hurricane

Johnny Hurricane is the resident hardcore gamer here at Gamers Heroes. You'll usually find him diving deep into the latest releases as he attempts to conquer each and every game that crosses his path. Mostly known for his ability to create detailed and comprehensive guides on even the most complex of game mechanics, you'll sometimes see the odd review and editorial topic but his true abilities lie in competitive gaming. Johnny Hurricane's Gamer Biography
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