Cyberpunk 2077 Clothing Sets Guide
Want to unlock more Clothing Sets for your character? This Cyberpunk 2077 Clothing Sets Guide explains the basics of the Clothing Sets system and provides details on how to unlock all of the different clothing sets we’ve discovered in our adventures in Night City.
Clothing Sets are special items that you can equip, but they behave differently to the normal clothing items you can find. Regular clothing items have stats, mod slots, they increase your defense and provide other benefits. Clothing Sets provide no mechanical benefits, they offer no stat boosts and no other bonuses. However, they do allow you to equip the Clothing Sets over the top of your armor. This lets you choose and maintain and appearance throughout the game, regardless of what clothes you choose to wear underneath.
Cyberpunk 2077 Clothing Sets Guide
There are multiple Clothing Sets that you get during the story, such as a Suit and a set of Diving Gear. However, you lose both of these once you have completed the mission in which they are used. We’re uncertain if this is intended but will update the guide if we find alternate methods of obtaining these Clothing Sets.
We will continue to update this guide as we discover and unlock more suits to use in Cyberpunk 2077. If you have found any Clothing Sets that we’ve yet to add, let us know in the comments below and we’ll do our best to seek it out. Otherwise, show off your best looking character and add a picture of your version of V.