Dream On – Find The Transmission Source In Cyberpunk 2077
During the Dream On mission there are several confusing objectives. This Dream On – Find The Transmission Source In Cyberpunk 2077 guide will walk you through the final, more confusing moments of this side job, as you’re investing a mysterious burglar and invaded the penthouse and fled without a trace.
This entire quest is a little frustrating. There’s a very open objective “Examine the Apartment”, that doesn’t seem to complete even when you’ve found all the clues in the apartment. To start with you simply follow a blood trail that you find on the floor. This will lead you to a secret room that requires 7 body to break open. If you don’t have that much attributes in body, you can simply go to the computer room and check the computer there. You’ll find the code to the main security computer so you can open the door from there instead.
Dream On – Find The Transmission Source In Cyberpunk 2077
Once you’ve done the rest of the objectives for this quest, you will have two remaining. “Examine the Apartment” and “Find the Transmission Source”. I got confused between the two here, thinking the transmission source was in the apartment, as that was the area of investigation highlighted on the map. However, that is incorrect.
Instead of searching the apartment, stand on the roof, directly next to the large satellite dish. Follow the way it’s point, out into the city skyline. Make sure to use your optical vision. You will see a transmission tower in the distance, it glows gold if you have your optics turned on. Simply highlight the transmission tower until it is recognized as a clue and then you have completed this objective. Just talk to Elizabeth to progress with the quest.