Costume Quest 2 GuidesGame Guides

Costume Quest 2: Side Quest Guide

Costume Quest 2 Side Quest Guide

Costume Quest 2 has a good amount of side quests to do if you look for them. Without doing them you will fall behind on EXP and might miss out of some costume parts. This guide will help you find all the quests and complete them while you are playing.

Costume Quest 2 Side Quests

Gator Wrasslin’ – After you get your first costumes and go through the time portal you will run into Monty. He will be trying to pull part of his costume out of a gator’s mouth. Use the ramp to jump into the closed Gator farm. Hit all of the Gators and you will get 3 costume pieces. After you are done return to Monty.

Trick-or-Treated – You get this quest from Lil Bones as you are moving towards the houses in the Bayou. You cannot move on with the game until you do this quest. Near one of the trailers you can find Shady and he sells a map. Buy that so you can know any houses you have missed. Some of the houses are in the French Quarter and Shady also sells a map for that area.

Investing In The Future – If you give Baron 200 pieces of candy in the Bayou he will give you a reward in the future. When you go to the future head to the park in Old Auburn Parks. Talk to Baron there and he will give you 1000 candy.

Bayou Hide N’ Seek – You need to find 6 kids that are hiding in the Bayou. The first one I found was a ninja near a healing fountain. Another one is a zombie behind a couple of trash cans near another fountain. Near Shady there is a girl in a pink Wizard outfit.

You can find another kid in a Skeleton outfit near the fountain in the French Quarter.There is a kid on the roof of a building in the French Quarter. The first house on the left when you come into the French Qaurter has a doorway blocked by trash bags. Destroy the trash bags and take the doorways up to the roof. Finally while still in the French Quarter search for a kid shooting out of a cannon. Above him you can see a person near the dumpsters that looks like an egg. That is the last kid for the quest

Duelo Del Diablo – Talk to the kid in the evil costume while you have the clown costume on. Basically when it is your turn just honk your horn. As long as you make noise you will get your reward.

Costume Quest 2 Music Cred

Music Cred – You can find this quest in the French Quarter at the band. Put on the clown costume and use the horn on citizens around the area. There are three. One is the lady watching the boy shoot out of the cannon, another is watching the two statue costumes and the last is in line at the shrimp cart.

After you get them return to the band and you will have a little mini game to beat. Every time Annie points at you use your horn and after about five times you will beat the quest.

Jazz Money – After you beat Music Cred you can get this one by playing with the band in the Jazz Club in the French Quarter. Put on your clown costume and talk to the guy on the stage. I think this one is more free style and you can’t lose as long as you play something. Every time he put the saxophone up I would play the horn. Then when he called my name I just spammed the button. After that I got paid and beat the quest.

Corvus’ Combo – I don’t remember the card he needs to it can be found need the Gator cage where you came in at. Get the Pterodactyl Costume and blow the leaves away up there and grab the chest. Bring that card down to the playground in the Bayou and give it to the pirate.

Tooth Academy Side Quests

Dystopia Hide N’ Seek – When you leave the Tooth Academy go to the right side and take the path up. Move the leaves out of the way of the girl and talk to her to start this quest. You can find the second kid in the park of Old Auburn Hills. When you get New Repugia(east side) you can see the Kid near the Candy Mine sign. Use the Jefferson to get past the Goblin blocking the path.

After you get the Pharaoh Costume go back into the sewer and use it to cross the line to the other side. Go under the steps on the other side and get the kid trying to hide behind them. Once you get to downtown New Repguia go up to the rooftops. Take the pipe down to the fountain then use the ramp below there to cross over to another pipe. Take that pipe and on the other side you will find a kid. The last kid is downtown behind one of the fists holding the dentist utensils.

Creepy Cryptid – You get this quest by looking at the scratch marks on the wall near the sewer exit. Use your Wizard light to see prints leading out of the sewer. At the building above the sewer you can see more scratch marks on the wall. Use the light again and follow those prints to the end of the alleyway, Leave the alley and look on the wall of the building next to the alleyway.

There are three pillars on that building and on the center one you can find more claw marks. You know the drill follow them until you find out it jumped the fence. Follow the road a bit more until you see a hole in the fence and go in there. More claw marks, follow the prints. Follow the building around near the where the prints end and on the other side near the fence you will find more claw marks. Follow those then return to the sewer.

Follow the tracks all the way through New Repugia(downtown). While on the rooftops of that area you can find more claw marks near the healing fountain. Then again on the metal bridge near the end of the last set of tracks. Walk towards the closed door and you will meet Wolfie. He will give you the Wolfman costume.

I am updating this as I go so check back soon for more!

Johnny Hurricane

Johnny Hurricane is the resident hardcore gamer here at Gamers Heroes. You'll usually find him diving deep into the latest releases as he attempts to conquer each and every game that crosses his path. Mostly known for his ability to create detailed and comprehensive guides on even the most complex of game mechanics, you'll sometimes see the odd review and editorial topic but his true abilities lie in competitive gaming. Johnny Hurricane's Gamer Biography
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