How To Get Clearance Level 3 In Control
As you continue through Control you will need higher and higher security clearance. This guide tells you How To Get Clearance Level 3 In Control so you’re able to retrace your steps and enter all of the Clearance Level 3 locked security doors to find yourself some new mods and rewards.
Almost all of the rooms locked behind security doors that require a Clearance Level are worth exploring. Some of them contain entrances to other areas while some house some really useful and powerful mods. The Clearance Level is mostly tied to story progression, you can’t miss the first three, but it’s worth going out of your way to retrace your steps and open the doors you couldn’t open previously.
How To Get Clearance Level 3 In Control
As with the previous versions of the Clearance Levels, this one is another one that is unlocked via natural progression in the story. You cannot miss this. At the very end of Mission 3, when you return to the Executive area, Pope informs you that Marshal went to the Research Sector. At this point, she tells you that you will require Clearance Level 3 to access the area, which is when she presents you with the appropriate card.You can now progress with the story and enter all areas that require Clearance Level 3. Read on further for details on Clearance Level 4.