Control GuidesGame Guides
How To Unlock Clearance Level 01 Door In Control
At the very beginning of Control you discover a Clearance Level 01 locked door. This guide will tell you How To Unlock Clearance Level 01 Door In Control so you can enter the restricted area and loot the mods and other rewards once inside.
Your Clearance Level is a security measure tied to you throughout the entirety of Control. Open your menu and check the Assets tab. Here you will see a number of details, one of which is your Clearance Level. Once you reach a specific Clearance Level you can access all areas of that particular security level, it is not a one-time use access card.
How To Unlock Clearance Level 01 Door In Control
You are unable to unlock the first Clearance Level 01 door you encounter for some time. You need to progress through the main story until near the end of the second mission. You are tasked with finding the Hotline. It’s part of the main story, you cannot miss the first clearance level.Once you have progressed far enough to unlock it, simply return and open the door.
At the very beginning of Control you discover a Clearance Level 01 locked door. This guide will tell you How To Unlock Clearance Level 01 Door In Control so you can enter the restricted area and loot the mods and other rewards once inside.
Increasing your Clearance Level is required if you want to open all the secret security doors. This guide tells you How To Get Clearance Level 1 Card In Control so you can increase your Clearance Level to one and open the doors that require that level of clearance.
After you unlock Clearance Level 1, you'll want to unlock the next level of Clearance. This guide explains How To Get Clearance Level 2 In Control, which will allow you to access areas and items locked behind doors with a Clearance Level 2 rating.
Need to get inside the Field Training Room in Control? This guide explains How To Enter The Field Training Room In Control so you can explore the further reaches of the Maintenance area to complete side missions and pick up some brand new abilities.