Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy Job Points Guide
Job Points are one of the various methods of progressing in the game. This Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy Job Points Guide explains how the basics of the job system works including information on unlocking new abilities and gathering Job Points fast.
At the beginning of Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy you only begin with a single class, the Freelancer. As you progress through the game you can find Job Memory items that, when obtained, can unlock the use of another job. Whenever you enter a dungeon you can use the device at the beginning to choose your Job.
Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy Job Points Guide
The Job you choose influences your Chocobo’s visual appearance, the stats and the abilities available. They all have their own strengths and weaknesses, but they all share the same path of progression – Job Points.Job Points are special drops that reward you with experience points for the currently equipped job. Whenever you defeat an enemy, there’s a chance a Job Point will drop. The rarer the enemy or the more powerful the enemy, the greater amount of JP they drop. For example, Cactuars and Tonberries in Frejas Memories dungeon are both great sources of JP.
The Job Point always appear under the feet of the character that killed the enemy. As such, it’s easy to walk off as you have to step off the tile and then step back to obtain the Job Point. After you accumulate enough Job Points, your Job will level up and you will unlock additional abilities.