Call Of Juarez The Cartel Special Item Location Chapter 10
The next level in Call of Juarez The Cartel has you trying to escape a hotel before is crashes down on you. You wake up to gangsters trying to kill you. This guide will help you find all the special items. I am playing as Ben and don’t let your partners see you when you grab the items. Let’s go.
Call of Juarez The Cartel level 10 – Special item 1 – As you are running out of the motel you will get to a more open area you have to run through. Next to the TV in that room in your special item. Grab it.
Call of Juarez The Cartel level 10 – Special item 2 – After escaping and killing all the gangsters you should see some steps that lead to the upper rooms. Don’t go up them but two doors next to the steps inside that room is your next special item.
Call of Juarez The Cartel level 10 – Special item 3 – When you are going to where Jesus is you will come to more motel rooms. On the left side there is a door open near a coke machine. Inside is your special item.
Call of Juarez The Cartel level 10 – Special item 4 – As you enter the construction yard you will have to pass through a house still being built. When you leave that house there are three red barrels and a forklift. On the forklift is your special item.
Call of Juarez The Cartel level 10 – Special item 5 – After the cover part of the level you will go to a room you need to breach. On the window is the special item. Grab it quick before your partners get in.
Call of Juarez The Cartel level 10 – Special item 6 – After breaching go into the house that is still being built. Two white dots in and to the right you should see the special item on the wall. Grab it quick.
That will end the guide and the level. Check back soon for the next level.