Call Of Juarez The Cartel Special Item Location Chapter 12
The next level of Call of Juarez The Cartel has you going to meet Alverez and give him the money he is asking for. This guide will help you find all the special items in the level. I am playing as Ben and don’t let your partners see you grab the items. On with the mission.
Call of Juarez The Cartel level 12 – Special item 1 – After the barn is set on fire and you escape you will be a a cover part. Once you make it to the van cover point there will be a special item on the floor. Grab it.
Call of Juarez The Cartel level 12 – Special item 2 – Once you get into the big house go right and on a cupboard against the wall is the special item.
Call of Juarez The Cartel level 12 – Special item 3 – When you get into the tunnel keep going until you a white dot in the distance and it looks like a way out. Once you get closer though you realize it isn’t. On the way to the dot there is another tunnel to the left you can take. Take it until you can take a right then go to the dead end for your special item.
Call of Juarez The Cartel level 12 – Special item 4 – After you get out of the tunnel and enter the fort you should see this special item on the barrel. Grab it when your partners pass.
Call of Juarez The Cartel level 12 – Special item 5 – After you breach to door into the court yard and kill the gangsters head straight across from where you entered. Behind a pillar is the special item.
Call of Juarez The Cartel level 12 – Special item 6 – Once you go upstairs and into the room your partners will be waiting at the door. Don’t go to the door go left into the other room and on the windowsill is the special item.
That will end this guide and the level will soon be over as well. Come back soon for the next guide.