Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Goalpost Intel Guide
The next level in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is called . This level is America getting into the fight over in Europe. This intel guide will help you find all the intel as you play through the game. So let’s get to it.
Looks like we are kind of doing a D Day thing here. Keep with the tanks and pick off anyone you see.
I’m doing this as I go sorry if I miss one.
Call of Duty MW3 Goalpost Intel guide – After leading the tanks up the beach you will see some downs planes and things of that nature. To the right is a cockpit of a downed plane. In that plane is the intel. Grab it and get back to owning.
Call of Duty MW3 Goalpost Intel guide 2 – When you first see the enemy tanks wait for them to be killed by your tanks. On the right you should see some boxes and crates with a wall near it. You can go around the wall by there and you should see the intel. Grab it and group up with the tanks.
Call of Duty MW3 Goalpost Intel guide 3 – After getting to the convoy look on the right side. You should see an office building. Go inside and on the right of that building on a desk if then intel. It’s in the building with the blood going up the steps. Grab it and keep moving.
That will end the Call of Duty MW3 Goalpost Intel guide. Don’t forget, check and favorite our Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Complete Intel Walkthrough Guide for a chapter by chapter guide on all the intel locations in the game.
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