Brink GuidesGame Guides

Brink Parkour This Challenge 3 Star

Brink Parkour This Challenge 3 Star

In the game Brink you have 4 challenges you have to 3 star. Each has various things to do and getting 3 star on some of them is actually pretty difficult. The Brink challenge we are doing right now is called Parkour This. It is basically what the title says you have to hit 8 check points before the time is up. In order to get 3 stars you most beat it in under a minute. Lets get started. This is also part of the trophy/achievement King of the World!

Alright you will be forced into a light body type for this challenge. Always remember that if you are falling press the jump button again to possible grab a ledge or wall jump to something you can use. With that said to much speed will make you flail out of control. I will tell you the path I took for the Brink challenge Parkour This.

At the start you go straight and jump up a box. Hook a left and hop the gap but make sure to jump over the light of the Brink challenge Parkour This checkpoint.

Once there take a right and get your Brink challenge Parkour This check point.

Keep going straight and jump the gap and get your second Brink challenge Parkour This check point.

From there take a slight left angle and you should see the blue beam for the next Brink challenge Parkour This check point down below. Grab it.

Hop onto the floor and you should see a Brink challenge Parkour This check point and there is one right behind it as well. Grab both.

Hope the boxes and head back up from the last checkpoint and you will see a blue beam. Jump to it and get another Brink challenge Parkour This checkpoint.

Go up to the next platform and jump it. Look down to the right and you will see a Brink challenge Parkour This checkpoint. Grab it.

Go back up from where you jumped down and jump the gap to the other side. Keep going until you see the next Brink challenge Parkour This checkpoint. Grab it and head back to the start as fast as you can!

This may take a couple tries but you shouldn’t have much trouble getting 3 stars in the Brink challenge Parkour This.

Check back later for the other challenges soon.

Johnny Hurricane

Johnny Hurricane is the resident hardcore gamer here at Gamers Heroes. You'll usually find him diving deep into the latest releases as he attempts to conquer each and every game that crosses his path. Mostly known for his ability to create detailed and comprehensive guides on even the most complex of game mechanics, you'll sometimes see the odd review and editorial topic but his true abilities lie in competitive gaming. Johnny Hurricane's Gamer Biography
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