Brink Guides Archives - GamersHeroes 100% honest game reviews. The very latest games guided. The hottest cosplay, a weekly podcast and more! Thu, 18 May 2017 20:51:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Brink Guides Archives - GamersHeroes 32 32 Brink Online Tips And Tricks Thu, 12 May 2011 19:49:05 +0000 Anyone whose played Brink knows that it was meant for online play. The AI is terrible and you can't even control them.

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Brink Online Tips And Tricks

Anyone whose played Brink knows that it was meant for online play. The AI is terrible and you can’t even control them. Since we got all the Brink challenges done already I figured it was time to give some tips and tricks for the online portion of the game. So lets get started.

Brink online tips and tricks #1 Parkour! One of the main selling points of this game is the free movement system that lets you jump over walls and wall jump. Use it to your advantage! Taking the straight path will often result in you being gunned down before you even make it to the objective. It is the fastest way there but you really run the risk of dying.

Brink online tips and tricks #2 Buff your teammates! SPOILER ALERT! Engineers I’m sorry but your turrets aren’t that great. Your weapon damage buff on the other hand is fantastic. This is a great way to increase your exp and help you team win. Nearly everyone can buff in one way or another so use it to your advantage and let the other team put down the turrets that don’t even shoot you when your right in front of them.

Brink online tips and tricks #3 Melee knock over is amazing. Yup if you can knock someone down do it. By the time they see you its likely already to late and you’ve killed them. What about the slide tackle? One of the best features in the game! I’ve taken out two a time easily with this. I don’t know if you can do more then that but it is funny to watch a huge dude drop from a slide kick.

Brink online tips and tricks #4 Sniping. Oh man I really dislike this in the game. It is very hard to his those speedy guys and even harder to get a head shot. Whats more you don’t even get the one hit quit half the time. Just don’t do it.

Brink online tips and tricks #5 Playing smart. Alright this is a givin but if the team needs more medics be a medic. there is no reason to have 5 soldiers 2 engineers and an operative. No medic equals gg. Medics also get a a lot of exp for healing and rezing so why not.

Brink online tips and tricks #6 Use the objective wheel! I can’t tell you how much exp I missed just because I always had the main objective selected. You’re not going to get a massive exp boost but it will add up after a few games so why waste the exp?

For the most part that’s all I can think of for Brink online tips and tricks. If you have any other suggestions please list them below in the comments. Happy hunting!

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Brink Be More Objective Challenge 3 Star Wed, 11 May 2011 01:38:43 +0000 Arguably the hardest challenge in Brink is Be more objective, at least getting on 3 star. I really dislike this Brink challenge because it makes you be a lot of classes. You have to be the solider engineer and the operative.

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Brink Be More Objective Challenge 3 Sta

Arguably the hardest challenge in Brink is Be more objective, at least getting on 3 star. I really dislike this  Brink challenge because it makes you be a lot of classes.  You have to be the solider engineer and the operative. In the challenge Be more objective you have to pretty much do 4 objectives before the time runs out. This is also part of the trophy/achievement King of the World!

I used a medium build with an assault rifle and a SMG secondary.

At the start of the Brink challenge Be more objective you start as a solider and the first thing you have to do is blow up a wall to get a command post. Run straight for the objective then when you about there toss your moltov in the direction of the enemy hopefully hitting some people. After that immediately plant the bomb. After it is planted defend it. Don’t go Rambo just stick back behind cover and protect it. If you get lucky the explosion will take a couple enemies down. Right after it blows open switch your class.

The second part of the Brink challenge Be more objective wants you to repair a generator. This can be difficult if you didn’t take out a couple before hand as a solider. It is right up the stairs and fighting your way up isn’t to difficult unless you get caught when they spawn then you’re a goner. Don’t bother with mines or turrets in my opinion they didn’t do anything but waste time for me. Fight your way up the stairs and make sure the AI is kind of close when you start to repair it. After that switch your class again to operative.

The third part of the Brink challenge Be more objective will have you hacking something. This was the hardest part of the challenge for me. It was all the way up and they just kept swarming me. What I finally did is helped the AI up the stairs to the hack point. I hacked and hid behind a box where I couldn’t be shot except from point blank. The enemy AI would only come up in pairs so my AI was able to hold them off until the hack was done. I still ended up dying a couple times though.

The last part of the Brink challenge Be more objective has you bringing data to a post. My AI was still up top so I was able to grab it and run right to the point and finish the challenge. If not just fight with your AI and they will cover you while you do it. this is way quicker then a hack.

So there you have it the Brink challenge Be more objective on 3 star. It was a bit difficult but with a couple tries you should be able to finish it off. Good job beating all the challenges.

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Brink Escort Duty Challenge 3 Star Wed, 11 May 2011 00:51:35 +0000 The third Brink challenge is called Escort duty. This one is pretty simple you have to escort a giant truck thing as an engineer. I used a medium build with an assault rifle and an SMG as my secondary.

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Brink Escort Duty Challenge 3 Star

The third Brink challenge is called Escort duty. This one is pretty simple you have to escort a giant truck thing as an engineer. I used a medium build with an assault rifle and an SMG as my secondary. For this challenge they give you way to much time in my opinion and there isn’t really any penalty for dying. This is also part of the trophy/achievement King of the World! which is beating all 3 star challenges.

Alright in the Brink challenge Escort Duty you pretty much are going to have guys coming at you every 10 seconds or so. Before you start to repair the truck for the first time just place a mine and a turret at an enemy spawn point. Even if the door is closed they will open it and come out. After that you really won’t have time to put anything down. Use the grenades when you can and upgrade your weapon damage.

The trick to the Brink challenge Escort Duty is to keep the truck moving. They are more likely to focus on you then the truck. If they break the truck you have to repair it but that doesn’t stop them from spawning.

If you die in the Brink challenge Escort Duty expect them to break the truck. Head back out mow them down and fix it almost to complete. Wait for the next spawn kill them and finish it.

About 85% through the Brink challenge Escort Duty you can take over a command post that increases your hp. If you lose the truck around it you might as well take it. If not just keep trucking because you are really close to the end.

This should help you complete the Brink challenge Escort Duty and get the 3 star. This one is fairly simple so you shouldn’t have much trouble. One more Brink challenge to 3 star and it is the hardest one look forward to it soon!

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Brink Tower Defense Challenge 3 Stars Tue, 10 May 2011 23:34:02 +0000 The next Brink challenge that we will 3 star is called Tower Defense. Being as you already beat the two star challenge you will have the mini gun unlocked. So before you start this make your char body type heavy.

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Brink Tower Defense Challenge 3 Star

The next Brink challenge that we will 3 star is called Tower Defense. Being as you already beat the two star challenge you will have the mini gun unlocked. So before you start this make your char body type heavy. After that make your default weapons the mini gun and some sort of SMG. I used the Galatic SMG with a grip, red dot, and a duct-tape magazine. Alright time to 3 star the Brink challenge Tower Defense. This is also part of the trophy/achievement King of the World!(beating all the 3 star challanges

This challenge isn’t all that difficult at first but towards the end it gets a bit crazy. Before you take the command post let me give you a couple tips.

First the mini gun eats ammo. If you run out go to the command post and re select engineer and you will have full ammo. Careful though the gun takes tons of time to reload. Also aim down the scope with the mini gun to start revving it up. Don’t forget to buff your damage either.

Second use your mines and turrets! I put my mine at the top of one of the stairs and my turret aiming at one of the doors the spawn at.

Third use the screen in the room to tell how close you are to done. If you are done with a wave reload and restock/repair.

The first waves of the Brink challenge Tower Defense are pretty simple they come one at a time and it is an easy way to rack up head shots with the mini gun. Clear it with no problems most likely.

The second wave of the Brink challenge Tower Defense is where it gets a bit hard. They will throw more enemies at you and they will come out of different spawns. Keep the high ground if you can and bring the thunder down on the enemies below. If you get knocked off get back up soon because losing the command post is not a good idea.

The last waves of the Brink challenge Tower Defense is where you might lose. They send like 10 guys at you at once and they wont hesitate to swarm you. Avoid the grenades and just go to town on the enemy. Use your grenades and mines to your advantage here. Lure them in and once they are knocked down finish them off.

Follow this Brink challenge Tower Defense guide and should have no problem getting 3 stars. Look forward to more 3 star challenge guides!

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Brink Parkour This Challenge 3 Star Tue, 10 May 2011 22:09:42 +0000 In the game Brink you have 4 challenges you have to 3 star. Each has various things to do and getting 3 star on some of them is actually pretty difficult. The Brink challenge we are doing right now is called Parkour This.

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Brink Parkour This Challenge 3 Star

In the game Brink you have 4 challenges you have to 3 star. Each has various things to do and getting 3 star on some of them is actually pretty difficult. The Brink challenge we are doing right now is called Parkour This. It is basically what the title says you have to hit 8 check points before the time is up. In order to get 3 stars you most beat it in under a minute. Lets get started. This is also part of the trophy/achievement King of the World!

Alright you will be forced into a light body type for this challenge. Always remember that if you are falling press the jump button again to possible grab a ledge or wall jump to something you can use. With that said to much speed will make you flail out of control. I will tell you the path I took for the Brink challenge Parkour This.

At the start you go straight and jump up a box. Hook a left and hop the gap but make sure to jump over the light of the Brink challenge Parkour This checkpoint.

Once there take a right and get your Brink challenge Parkour This check point.

Keep going straight and jump the gap and get your second Brink challenge Parkour This check point.

From there take a slight left angle and you should see the blue beam for the next Brink challenge Parkour This check point down below. Grab it.

Hop onto the floor and you should see a Brink challenge Parkour This check point and there is one right behind it as well. Grab both.

Hope the boxes and head back up from the last checkpoint and you will see a blue beam. Jump to it and get another Brink challenge Parkour This checkpoint.

Go up to the next platform and jump it. Look down to the right and you will see a Brink challenge Parkour This checkpoint. Grab it.

Go back up from where you jumped down and jump the gap to the other side. Keep going until you see the next Brink challenge Parkour This checkpoint. Grab it and head back to the start as fast as you can!

This may take a couple tries but you shouldn’t have much trouble getting 3 stars in the Brink challenge Parkour This.

Check back later for the other challenges soon.

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