
Cosplay Wednesday — Mass Effect’s Asari

Some cosplays are easy to pull off — after all, anybody can don Solid Snake’s cardboard box or L’s white shirt. However, there are other cosplays that take countless hours of design. For this Mass Effect fan, the following cosplay of the Asari race is literally out of this world.

Italian make-up artist Francesco Sanseverino has wanted to design an Asari cosplay for some time now. Between their blueish hue and their scalp made of tentacles, Sanseverino was fully aware of the challenges that go into their defined form.

However, with the help of his friends Laura (who served as the model for the Asari), Sanseverino has finally managed to turn this race into a reality. For the make-up, he used a liquid latex blend over a Super Clay structure of the head. After crafting the scales and making a mold in fiberglass, he then placed this prostheses on his model Laura and sealed it up with more latex. He then finalized the base with dashes of blue, black, and even red aquacolor.

You can find a video of Francesco Sanseverino detailing this arduous recreation below:

You can find Francesco Sanseverino on Facebook here, on DeviantArt here, on Twitter here, and on YouTube here.

Do you enjoy a bit of gaming cosplay? Or maybe you’re passionate enough to do it full time. Drop me a line at casey[at]gamersheroes[dot]com and we’ll feature some of your cosplay.

Casey Scheld

Drawn to the underground side of gaming, Casey helps the lesser known heroes of video games. If you’ve never heard of it, he’s mastered it.
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