Forza Horizon 5 GuidesGame Guides

Forza Horizon 5 Drop Rami Jungle Expedition Optional Accolades Guide

The Jungle Expedition needs you to help Rami discover some missing items. This Forza Horizon 5 Drop Rami Jungle Expedition Optional Accolades Guide will tell you where you can find all of the optional accolades so you can complete the mission and get the most accolade points available.

There are several optional accolades that you can complete. As the name suggests, these are completely optional. You can simply drive straight to the objective if you don’t care about the additional points but at this point in the game, you’ll likely want as many Accolade points as possible, so you can join the hall of fame. The following objectives are available:

  • Discover The Lost Barn Find Notes
  • Find Ramiro’s Pilot Outfit
  • Find Ramiro’s Flight Recorder
  • Discover Ramiro’s Rainy Day Fund
  • Find Ramiro’s Pilot Helmet

Forza Horizon 5 Drop Rami Jungle Expedition Optional Accolades Guide

Forza Horizon 5 Drop Rami Jungle Expedition Optional Accolades Guide
This is probably one of the most frustrating Expeditions but you can find all of the objectives marked on the map above. This one is unique as each of the objectives are in small pink crates, you can see one in the image at the top of this post. When you approach the crates you will hear a jingle when you are nearby. You need to drive through the crates and smash them in order to get the item inside. Some of them are on ground level, others require you to drive up plane wings and other obstacles to get higher.

This mission was very buggy for me. I collected items that didn’t count, boxes disappeared without being broken, I had to restart it about 4 times before I was able to completely finish it. Hopefully this issue is resolved by the time you get there but if you run into the same issues, you’ll need to pause the game and restart the event to complete it.

There's a huge array of liveries and other visual upgrades for your vehicles in Forza Horizon 5. This Forza Horizon 5 How To Customize Cars guide will tell you what you need to do if you want pimp out your ride to change the visuals and other aesthetic components to make your car look unique.
Of course there are going to be Barn Finds in the newest Forza Horizon. Check out this Forza Horizon 5 Barn Find Guide to figure out where they are all and how to get them. This way you are just driving around blindly hoping for a barn.
Once you find a Barn Find, you don't get the car automatically. This guide on How To Collect Barn Finds In Forza Horizon 5 will tell you everything you need to do to unlock and claim each of the Barn Find vehicles so that you're able to reap the rewards of your treasure hunting efforts.
Joining the Hall of Fame is a requirement for some missions in Forza Horizon 5. This Forza Horizon 5 How To Get Into The Hall Of Fame guide will tell you everything you need to do before you're invited to join the Hall of Fame.

Blaine Smith

Blaine "Captain Camper" Smith is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Now operating under the guise of Editor-in-Chief (purely because we felt the position was needed for public relations purposes), he's tasked with a lot of the kind of jobs that would put you to sleep at your desk. When he's not catching some Zs, you'll likely find him arguing points he knows nothing about, playing the latest rogue-like he'll never complete, or breaking something on the website that never needed fixing. You can best reach him on Twitter
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