How To Control & Change Raft & Boat Direction In Atlas
So you’ve finally built a raft and headed out to the open sea, but you’re going the wrong way. This guide will tell you How To Control & Change Raft & Boat Direction In Atlas, as although it’s a very simple system, if you don’t know where to look, it can be confusing.
Once you’ve visiting a dock and built your raft, you can set out and explore the open seas. There are two main aspect to traversing the open ocean on a boat, controlling your sails and gauging the best way to use the wind.
How To Control & Change Raft & Boat Direction In Atlas
When you are on your boat, look at the upper right of the screen. You will see an icon of your boat, a white arrow and a green semi-circle. The white arrow is the wind. The direction it’s pointing is the direction it is blowing, the size of the arrow represents the power of the wind.Go to your sail and inspect the mast below it. You can press E here. This is where you drop your sails, you can also change the direction of your sails. That is how you change the direction your boat travels. You want the semi-circle to remain green if possible, as this is maximum speed, the more you fight the wind, the slower you go and the circle turns red.
That’s How To Control & Change Raft & Boat Direction In Atlas.