Assassin's Creed III Guides Archives - GamersHeroes 100% honest game reviews. The very latest games guided. The hottest cosplay, a weekly podcast and more! Fri, 19 May 2017 00:04:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Assassin's Creed III Guides Archives - GamersHeroes 32 32 Assassin’s Creed 3 Guide: One-Man Wolf Pack Guide Wed, 20 Feb 2013 16:39:49 +0000 Now that you have acquired your wolf powers, from The Infamy DLC, it is time to find your Indian brothers and tell the clan mother what you have learned. This of course is delayed as Teiowi:sonte has been captured by blue coats. This guide will help you 100% the sequence with no trouble at all! So let's get started.

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Now that you have acquired your wolf powers, from The Infamy DLC, it is time to find your Indian brothers and tell the clan mother what you have learned. This of course is delayed as Teiowi:sonte has been captured by blue coats. This guide will help you 100% the sequence with no trouble at all! So let’s get started.

One-Man Wolf Pack Guide

AC3 Wolfpack

Assassins Creed 3: The Infamy Guide: One-Man Wolf Pack Guide

The main objective of the mission is to help find Teiowe:sonte. Once you make it to the area where you need to search for clues it gets a bit tricky.

The first spot you need to check is the dead Indian slave that is sitting against a large tree stump, which is right outside the frozen lake.

The second clue you will need to check out is a fir pit, which is at the end of the frozen lake and just off it.

The third clue is a bow and it is up near two dead soldiers and a dead horse. The road forks and if you take the fork you can get the bow at the start of the road.

The last clue is up that road to the slave cart, check the cart and you will get a cut scene.

The objective will change and you will now need to find Teiowe:sonte and you also get a secondary objective, kill two blue coats with one arrow. Keep going up the path and wait until the blue coats are in a line and fire an arrow into the back of one to get both in one shot. Once you get to the objective marker you get to test your new powers on the blue coats and you get another cut scene.

Right after the cut scene be ready for that guy to start running, the bonus objective is to use your wolf pack to kill him so activate them and chase him down. Head over to the next objective and kill the firing squad before they can shoot the captured Indians. Using the wolf pack at this part will help you out and the best method for taking out the big guys is to disarm them first.

After you clear them out you can save Teiowe and the mission is complete.

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Assassin’s Creed 3 Guide: Hunting Challenges 2 Tue, 06 Nov 2012 17:31:27 +0000 After you beat the first set of hunting challenges the second one opens up. Honestly this one is not so bad just takes a bit of time. This guide will help you fly through it in no time flat!

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AC 3 Guide

After you beat the first set of hunting challenges the second one opens up. Honestly this one is not so bad just takes a bit of time. This guide will help you fly through it in no time flat! So let’s get started!

Hunting Challenge 2


Ac 3 BowSince you will be doing this mostly in the frontier it is beneficial to know where the general store is. Look on your map and head to the south most port. From there head north a bit into town and you should see the general store icon. It is quickly accessed so this quest will take less time. Be sure to stock up on everything you need.Assassin’s Creed 3 Hunting Challenges 2 GuideStealth kill 5 animals while using bait – This one is pretty simple. Find a spot where you can hide in the grass. Make sure some sort of animal is around like a deer or rabbit. Toss out the bait and wait for the animal to come close to you. Kill them from the bush then toss out more bait until you get all the kills you need.Skin an animal [25] – I had this one before I even got to this challenge. You will get it as you go during this challenge so no need to focus on it.Kill 10 animals with the Hidden Blade – The easiest way to do this is to bait them towards a bush you are in and take them out. You can also do it from the trees above or during the quick time events for aggressive animals. You might already have this completed by the time you come to this challenge.Capture 20 animals with snares – There isn’t really a fast way of doing this. I basically sat in the bush and planted two traps at a time then baited them. Once the first animal came and got snared I would skin it and wait for the second trap to go off. They don’t seem to come out as quickly if there is a dead animal in a different snare. If anyone has a quicker way of doing this please let us know.Kill 15 animals with the bow – Another real easy one. Stock up on arrows and pick an area with small animals. They die in one hit from the bow and you can skin them and get your arrow back. This one takes a bit of time but is really simple.That will end the Assassin’s Creed 3 Hunting Challenges 2 Guide.

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Assassin’s Creed 3 Guide: Public Execution Guide Mon, 05 Nov 2012 02:44:58 +0000 Public Execution is the mission where Connor is to be hanged for his crimes. You of course have to escape and after that you need to protect the general. This guide will help you beat the mission and get all the side objectives as well!

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AC 3 Guide

Public Execution is the mission where Connor is to be hanged for his crimes. You of course have to escape and after that you need to protect the general. This guide will help you beat the mission and get all the side objectives as well! Let’s go!

Assassinating Hickey

AC-3-Washington First off you have a few cut scenes. Watch or skip your call.Once you gain control of Connor keep walking forward. Keep going forward and you will pass by Washington. As you get close to the neck tie a cut scene will happen. You will get punched and Achilles will come and tell you that you are not alone. The next cut scene has you going up the steps and being hanged. Once you are hanged press the button on screen to be saved. After that Achilles gives you a tomahawk and the mission gets harder.We have to assassinate Hickey, keep Washington’s body guards alive and kill 2 militia men. It is actually kind of tricky and might take you a few tries. If you accidentally kill Hickey try to restart the check point until you get the side objectives.Right when Hickey starts running you need to chase after him. The trick to catching up to him is to avoid the crowd. They scatter in a bunch of different directions but you can get through the holes easily. Skip the enemy militia for now.Right before Hickey gets to Washington you should be almost in front of him and you can strike him with you axe. Once you hit him with the axe he will be focused on you and you can go back down the steps and kill two militia. After you kill the militia finish off Hickey and you will have beat the mission. Good job.That will end the Assassin’s Creed 3 Public Execution Guide. Check back soon for more guides!

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Assassin’s Creed 3 Guide: Placing The Power Sources Sun, 04 Nov 2012 22:47:25 +0000 While you are Desmond you will be asked to the place the various power sources you get throughout the game go. There are three in all that you get from the in between sequences.

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AC 3 Guide

While you are Desmond you will be asked to the place the various power sources you get throughout the game go. There are three in all that you get from the in between sequences. This guide will help you find out where to place them when you get them!

Power Source Placement


Placing Power SourcesI waited until I beat the game to place the power sources. You can do them as as go as well.After you get the first core you will be right next to the Animus. From there go forward until you see the steps on the left. Head up those steps and then up the next set of steps you see. Once you make it to the top you will see the floor missing to the next set of steps.Look on the left and run against the wall to jump up. Follow the railing until you reach another wall. Jump up this wall then climb up the beam and run across and jump to the next beam. Look right and you can see what looks like a cave. Jump to that and keep going until you get the cut scene. After that you can place the power source.

Once you get the second power source head back to the animus. Look right and take that path until you see a doorway on the right. Go through that doorway and keep heading up. After the cut scene go all the way up and head out the doorway.There will be steps on the right that lead down. Go down the steps then go left and drop down another level. Keep going until you see the open door on the right. Go inside and climb the wall and go into the hole at the top. Climb the next wall and go into the second hole.Once you make it to the top you will see the lady and the place for the power core. Go over there and Desmond will place it.After you get the third and final power source head towards the giant glowing door. As you go keep looking right and you will come across so steps that have dropped since you put the second power core in.Head up the steps and keep following the route around.

Once you go up the next set of steps you will get a cut scene. After the cut scene head up the large pillar. Jump across to the gap and Desmond will grab the ledge. Keep going left until you can drop down in the hallway.Follow the hallway around and jump off the ledge onto the poles. Use the two poles to jump to the next wall. Climb up the wall and once at the top go right. You will get another cut scene.After the cut scene jump the gap to the next wall. Keep going right along the wall until you can drop off in another hallway. From there go until you see the interior changes from yellow rock to grey rock. Look along the grey rock ledge for the glowing green spot.

Go up to it and Desmond will place the last power source. Now you can go open the big door!That will end the Assassin’s Creed 3 Placing the Power Sources Guide.

Check back soon for more guides!

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Assassin’s Creed 3 Guide: Assassinate John Pitcairn Fri, 02 Nov 2012 07:26:50 +0000 This is one of the trickier side objectives in Assassin's Creed 3. You need to air assassinate John Pitcairn in his camp as he is surrounded by like 30 troops. This guide will help you get through it with no issues.

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AC 3 Guide

This is one of the trickier side objectives in Assassin’s Creed 3. You need to air assassinate John Pitcairn in his camp as he is surrounded by like 30 troops. This guide will help you get through it with no issues. So let’s go.

Assassinating Pitcairn


AC 3 TomahawkOnce you are at the camp you have a few different ways to go. In order to air assassinate John Pitcairn you will have to get on top of the flag pole right by him.

Basically you want to head left and through the two smaller camps. Remember you can kill three guys without losing the other side objective. If anyone gets close to you int he brush and you can get a clean kill you might as well take it.

Start by going left up onto the rockers. You will see a tree that you can climb. Do so and look to the left. You will see some rocks you can jump to from the tree. Jump over to the rocks.

From there drop down to the floor level rock and run until the end of it. Jump off and use the brush behind the tents to stay hidden. Once you reach the end of the brush you should see the flag and a hay cart. Do NOT run towards the flag. Instead head out of the brush and then left again into the next part of camp. Check your radar to make sure the guard can’t see you.

There is brush in this part of the camp as well so use that to your advantage. Keep going to the end of the camp and you will see a fallen tree you can climb up. Climb up that tree and jump to the next tree. Climb up that tree even further then jump to thee flag pole.

From there you do the air assassination kill Pitcairn and beat the mission. Good job!

That will end the Assassin’s Creed 3 Assassinate John Pitcairn guide. Check back soon for more guides!

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Assassins Creed 3 Guide: Hunting Challenge 1 Guide Wed, 31 Oct 2012 17:52:13 +0000 After you gain access to Connor you eventually have to head into the Frontier. Once you do that you will be approached by a hunter and he will give you the challenge and ask you to head to a hunting lodge.

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AC 3 Guide

After you gain access to Connor you eventually have to head into the Frontier. Once you do that you will be approached by a hunter and he will give you the challenge and ask you to head to a hunting lodge. This guide will help you burn through the first challenge. Let’s get started!

Hunting Challenge 1

AC 3 Hunting

These can be done in multiple ways but this is how I did them and I got them done pretty quick. Don’t forget to skin your prey since in the long run it will equal good money.

Check the hunting locations on your map to get more detailed info on each region. If you have killed an animal in a region it will show it on your hunting map.

Hunting Challenge 1 – Kill 5 Deer – Very basic you just need to kill 5 deer. They can be found all over the Frontier and in your homestead. I went to the Kanien:keh area of the Frontier, way up north. There is a fast travel in your tribe village so you can get up there quick.

Literally as I walked out of the village 4 deer appeared. At the point I only needed 1 more so I just went into a bush and used bait to lure one in. From there I killed it and skinned it to finish the challenge.

Kill a wolf – This is is also really easy. As you travel you will encounter wolves and to kill them in melee you will have to do the button prompt. I traveled to my port in the homestead. From there instead of going towards the manor I went south to a secluded part of the map. Every time I go there I meet two or three wolves. Kill them to complete this part.

Skin 10 animals – Very basic just skin all the animals until you get 10. Then skin some more!

Trade hunting spoils worth 500 – Also another easy one. Head into Boston and go to the general store. From there sell your pelts and whatever else you got from hunting until you make 500. Sell more if you want. I sold enough to afford a war club.

Use bait with a snare to capture an animals – While at the general store be sure to stock up on bait and traps. From there go to the frontier or the Homestead. I went to the Monmouth region in the Frontier. Here there are foxes, racoons and rabbits. Basically when you see one of these animals put a trap down and bait it. From there hide in a tree or in some bush. Eventually one or multiple animals will come and one will get trapped. Do this 5 times and you beat the challenge.

Kill a bear with the hidden blade – This one is the most tricky of the challenges so far. You will have to hunt a bear down and kill it with melee. This means you get the button prompt correctly when you are face to face with the bear. I got this one by accident during a homestead mission called Prudince’s Primrose. She attracts a bear and you need to kill it to save her. Just run up on the bear and the button prompts will start.

That will end the Assassin’s Creed Hunting Challenge 1 guide. Check back soon for more guides!

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Trophies/Chivos Guide for Assassin’s Creed III Wed, 31 Oct 2012 08:18:18 +0000 The trophies and achievements list for Assassin’s Creed 3 list has been leaked for quite a while. However it’s always good to post up stuff to let everyone know how to grow their trophy or chivo status.

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Trophies/Chivos Guide for Assassin's Creed III

The trophies and achievements list for Assassin’s Creed 3 list has been leaked for quite a while. However it’s always good to post up stuff to let everyone know how to grow their trophy or chivo status. Check out this list so you can grab all of the achievements and brag to all of your friends. Be careful though and look at the list at your own risk. There could be possible spoilers mixed into the list so if you don’t want anything spoiled make sure to head somewhere else!

Trophies/Achievements for Assassin’s Creed III

Trophies Chivos Guide for Assassin's Creed III

Achievements: Description:
Abstergo Entertainment Reach lvl 20 in multiplayer.
A Complete Set Get all of the optional characters settled at the Homestead.
All Washed Up Complete all Aquilla Naval missions.
An Extraordinary Man Complete the Encyclopedia.
Blowing in the Wind Retrieve every page in one of Ben Franklin’s Almanacs.
Bringing Down the House Explore Fort Wolcott.
By Invitation Only Be invited to join a club.
Caged Wolf Complete sequence 8.
Circus Act Kill 15 guards with a single cannon shot.
Completionist Complete all progress tracker grid entries.
Coureur des Bois Exchange undamaged pelts at all different general stores.
Criss Cross Complete Present – Skyscraper.
Daddy Dearest Complete Present – Stadium.
The Day the Temblars Cried Complete Sequence 5.
Difficult End Complete Sequence 11.
The End is Nigh Complete Present – Abstergo
Entrepreneur, not Pirate! Complete all 12 Privateer Contracts.
Eye Witness Witness a predator killing an enemy.
Fin Complete each of the epilogue missions unlocked after the credits roll.
Grim Expectations Complete Sequence 10.
Head in the Cloud Find all pivots and sync the Animus to the Cloud.
Heroes are Born Complete Sequence 4.
House Party Recruit any of the Artisans and see them settled on the Homestead.
How D’ya Like Them Apples Complete Sequence 3.
Hunter/Killer Reach sequence 10 in a map on Wolfpack multiplayer mode.
In Good Standing Complete all challenges for any of the Clubs.
Jager Bomb After becoming fully Notorious, kill 10 Jagers before losing your notoriety.
Kidd Gloves Uncover the mystery of Oak Island.
Magna cum Laude Have a Trainee reach the Assassin Rank.
Man of the People Liberate all districts in either Boston or New York
Monopoly Man Send a convoy to Boston, New York and the Frontier
Multitasking Complete 50% of the Progress Tracker entries.
Mystery Guest Complete Sequence 1 & 2.
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished Open the Temple Door and learn Desmond’s fate.
Original Gamer Win a game of Fanorona, Morris and Bowls on the Homestead.
Patent Not Pending Craft one of Franklin’s inventions to decorate your Manor.
Perfectionist Complete 100% of all main mission constraints.
Personalized Customize your multiplayer Profile and Character.
Predator Hang 5 enemies by using rope darts.
Prince of Thieves Loot a convoy without killing any of its guards.
Rude Awakening Re-Enter the Animus.
Spit Roast Perform a double assassination using a musket.
The Sum of Truth Complete Sequence 12.
Tea is for Englishmen Complete Sequence 6.
The Truth Will Out Unlock a hacked version of one of the Abstergo videos in the story quest.
Tumblehome Upgrade the Aquilla.
Two if by Sea Complete Sequence 9.
Whit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye! Block a firing line 5 times by using a human shield.
The Whites of Their Eyes Complete Sequence 7.
Winning Team Be on the winning team at the end of a multiplayer game session.

That is the end of the list so far. If you know of any other achievements coming out, joke or not, hit us up in the comments! Also if you have any advice on how to get some of the tougher achievements let us know! We will quote you in the article and give you internet fame! (well kind of). Thanks for reading heroes.

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Assassin’s Creed 3 Guide: Homestead Guide Tue, 30 Oct 2012 22:47:01 +0000 In sequence 5 of Assassin's Creed 3 you unlock the Davenport Homestead. Like the other AC games you build this place up and it earns you money and new equipment. This time around you need to do side quests to make the area progress.

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AC 3 Guide

In sequence 5 of Assassin’s Creed 3 you unlock the Davenport Homestead. Like the other AC games you build this place up and it earns you money and new equipment. This time around you need to do side quests to make the area progress. Let’s start the quests!

Davenport Homestead Quests


AC-3-ConnorWhenever there is someone to talk to in your Homestead you should see them. Sometimes they give you trophies for your manor.

Davenport Homestead Quest 1
This one is actually a main quest. You need to chase a guy down the river and save him. In order to avoid getting wet you need to cross to the right side of the river and at the end follow the log all the way out. Once at the end you can save him without getting wet.

Davenport Homestead Quest 2
After you save the guy lumber guys check your map to see another quest close by. Select it on your map and head towards the marker. Once you make it to the giant cliff you will have to climb the trees in order to jump up onto the cliff. Do so and keep going up. On top there is a man hanging by a string. Kill the enemies up top and save the man and he will go toy our town.

Davenport Homestead Quest 3
Silent Hunter – After getting the second power supply as Desmond you will come back to Connor. Once on the Homestead look at your map for the quest icon. Go meet the wounded woman and bring her back to Achilles. After that you need to kill the poachers.

Head to the objective marker and you will see three targets to kill. They want you to use the rope dart for this so give it a try. For the first target just throw it and hold the button on the guy.

While you are in a tree use the dart on the next target then drop off the tree to hang him.

Lastly sneak up on the last guy in and pull him towards you and kill him with your blade.

Two more poachers will appear and you need to finish them as well. Jump up into the trees and get above them. Take out the one from behind with the rope dart and then take out the other one how you want. Once they are dead head to the next marker. Head back to the manor and Myriam joins your town.

Davenport Homestead Quest Burglary in the Homestead
This one is pretty simple. Just chase down the guy until you can shoot him with your pistol.

Davenport Homestead Quest 5 Prudince’s Primrose
This one can be gotten after doing the first Frontier homestead quest. Bascially you have to search in the green grid for clues. They will shine white on the floor and when you interact with them the circle gets smaller. After you find 3 clues you will have to save Prudince. Run up to the bear and do the button prompt to kill it. Be sure to skin the bear before you leave.

Davenport Homestead Quest 6 White Trophy
This one can be gotten after doing the first Boston Homestead quest. This quest starts with you tracking a cougar. Go up into the trees or else you won’t be able to find the clues. One you get the three clues you will have to chase him to the mine.

Once he is in my the mine you have to enter and lure him out. Go in and be ready for a button you need to push to dodge. Myriam will take the shot and you will beat the quest.

Davenport Homestead Quest 7 Room at the Inn
This one is pretty simple. You have to get the NPC 1000$ and you beat the quest. I sold a bunch of furs in Boston and had way more than enough.

Davenport Homestead Quest 8 Norris goes Courting
Speak to Norris and he will ask you to help him in courting Myriam. First task is to go to Prudence and speak to her. Ride over to her house and do so. Thanks to ACbinger

Now you need to find Wild Flowers. Head to the green dot on your map. Be careful on your way up to the mountain side because three wolves attacked me(Thanks to ACbinger I was ready for them and killed them quickly with no problems). Keep running and climb up the rock wall. At the top another wolf will try to get you so be ready.

From there you will have to scale another rock wall. Just keep going towards the green dot. If you get stuck and can’t go up left or right try down on the direction stick to see if you need to lower yourself a bit. At the end you will get your flowers. Also behind the flower is a trinket so grab it while you are up there.

Do a leap of faith off the cliff and run back to Norris. You will have to talk to him through the outhouse door. After that you get a cut scene and the quest ends.

If you cannot get Norris out of the outhouse try to reload your game(Thanks to ACbinger).

Davenport Homestead Quest 9 Bowls Beginner
The object of the game is to throw your balls closer to the red ball then they can. If you have multiple closer then they do you get more points. You can hit there balls out of the way but they can also hit yours. You can also move the red ball by hitting it. I lost but I still beat the quest. Thanks to ACbinger

Davenport Homestead Quest 10 Happy Expectations
Prudince and her husband are going to have a baby. Problem is we have no doctor and there isn’t one for miles. Fast travel to the harbor master and use it to get to Boston. Once there look on the map and to the south for the Homestead icon. Head there and talk to the man. Thanks to ACbinger

He will tell you the doctor is around the corner and in trouble. Head around the corner and get ready for a fist fight. I’m not sure if fists are required but they automatically came out for me. Win the fight and the doctor joins your town.

Davenport Homestead Quest 11 Pig Herder
After you get the doctor go back and talk to Prudince. She wants you get the pigs back into the pen. Walk behind the pigs and lead them to the entrance. Once they look like they are about walk right past it run in front of them and cut them off. If you do that they can really only go one direction and that is into the pen.

Davenport Homestead Quest 12 Norris Tries Again
Basically you need to go find out what Myriam really wants. Head to her camp and avoid being seen by her. Once she is sitting at the camp fire go behind her and check out the clue. Connor finds a broken knife and now you head back to Norris. Thanks to ACbinger

Davenport Homestead Quest 13 Raw Materials
Speak to Norris again and he will ask you to meet him at a English mine. Go there and speak with Norris again. Basically you have to defend him from three waves of troops. As ACbinger pointed out you can use explosive barrels to help even the odds. Thanks ACbringer

For me the first wave came down the middle. Right when most of them got near the barrel I shot it and then finished off the rest with my tomahawk.

The second wave also came down the middle. I did the same thing except they all died.

The third wave came down the left and I killed them all with the barrel as well. After the third wave dies you beat the quest.

Davenport Homestead Quest 14 Finding His Flock
Head to the inn at the homestead. Inside you will meet a minister and if you pay him 1000$ for the church he will join your homestead.

Davenport Homestead Quest 15 Tools of the Trade
Head to the wood worker and he will ask you to help him retrieve his tools from his shop in Boston. Head to Boston and up at the second topmost Harbor master you will see the Homestead icon.

Follow the shop keeper to his shop to find out it has been sold. From there go meet up with the shop owner’s apprentice and find out that he is hiding the tools. Tail him without being seen then grab the tools when he walks away from them.

Davenport Homestead Quest 16 Silk Errand
Head to the tailor and she will ask you to retrieve some silk from her house in New York. Once you get to New York look for the green circle on the map. Mark it and head over to that spot. Once there you will have to check the crate on the ground for clues. Then you can grab the bolt of the floor. Bring it back to the tailor and you will have beat the quest.

Davenport Homestead Quest 17 Get me a Doctor!
Head to the homestead mission near the manor. The baby is finally coming and you need to go get the doctor. Stay on the road and go to the marker for the doc. After that you need to get her husband. Keep on the road and get Warren as well. From there head back to Prudence.

Davenport Homestead Quest 18 the Proper Tools
The blacksmith will want you to go into New York and buy him some new tools from the general store. They are 50$ in all. In order to find the general store just head to the bottom harbor master. From there sync up with the nearest view point and the shop will appear on the map. Bring them back to the blacksmith.

Davenport Homestead Quest 19 Fool me Once!
Go with Norris to see Myriam. She is going off hunting and you are going to help. First task is to kill three wolves. Do the quick time events and then you will get the next part. From there head up to the canopy and check the area.

You will see Myriam is under attack. Run along the trees towards her and the man will start to run off. Chase him down and shoot him. Then the quest is over.

Davenport Homestead Quest 20 The Final Straw
Go to the quest marker in the center of town. Follow the group up the hill and fight off the thugs. I had to chain kill all of them in order to have enough time to stop the main guy. Once you take out all the thugs go behind the guy and the door and bring him down as well.

Davenport Homestead Quest 21 The Wedding
Go to the quest icon and Norris will inform you he is getting married to Myriam. After the cut scene you will have to follow the priest for a bit until the next day starts.

Once the day of the wedding tarts go talk to Norris. He will ask you to help him find Myriam. Head upstairs in the manor and search the flowers on the floor. Then check the broken mirror. After that a green dot will appear on the map.

Head to the green dot and climb up the canopy to find Myriam. She will run and you have to chase. After you catch her Connor will walk her down the aisle and she will marry Norris.

Davenport Homestead Quest 22 Slander
Once you get this quest head to Boston. Check the map for the Homestead icon and head there to really start the quest. All you have to do is find the little kids handing out the news papers and bribe them. They are always in the green circle.

Once you bribe all of them use your eagle vision to find the overseer. Once you spot him either beat him up or steal from him to beat the quest.

Davenport Homestead Quest 23 An eye for Trouble
Walk up to Dave and talk to him about the scout he has at gun point. Another one will appear and start to run. Chase him down and kill him. Return to Dave to complete this quest.

Davenport Homestead Quest 24 The Comeback
Talk to Dave again to start this quest. The redcoats are going to try and kill Dave. You and the town are going to help protect him. There are two waves and three explosive barrels. Put a barrel at the bottom of the hill and wait for the British to come. Once they are near the barrel blow it up and finish anyone who isn’t killed by the blast. Do the same to the second wave and you will win.

Davenport Homestead Quest 25 Thousand Pound Idea
Head to the tailor and he will ask you to go to New York for him and retrieve a package. Head to New York and mark the icon on your map. The guy you meet with will point out three targets you need to kill. Kill each of them and loot them. Head back to the Tailor. Turns out he wants to invent the folding chair.

Davenport Homestead Quest 26 Manor Mysteries
Talk to Achilles and he will want you to get a painting for him in New York. Head to the burnt part of New York for this quest. Basically you nee dot climb a burnt building and check the wall for the package. Once retrieved bring it back to Achilles to end the quest.

Davenport Homestead Quest 27 Wait Times
Head over to the harbor in the homestead and you will see the mission icon. First thing you need to do is run and get Diana. Run her back to the doc and the next part will open. You need to interact with five downed sailors. Once you do that talk to the doc again to beat the quest.

Davenport Homestead Quest 27 Legacy
Head to the manor and find Achilles on a chair. After the cut scene you need to go see the reverend. Once you talk to him you will have to start digging. Dig the hole until you get to the next cut scene.

Davenport Homestead Quest 28 Achilles’ Painting
Head to the manor and then to the painting on the floor. Connor places the picture on the wall and you beat the quest.

Frontier Homestead Quests

Ac 3 Rooftop

Frontier Homestead Quest 1 Abused
If you take the boat to the frontier you will be close to this one. Mark it on your map and walk up to see some redcoats beating on some people. Kill the redcoats and they join your homestead.

Frontier Homestead Quest 2 Deserter
Place your marker on the quest icon on the Frontier map. Head over there and see some redcoats beating on a guy. Take out the redcoats until one picks up the guy and threatens to shoot him. Just pull the trigger and you will kill the redcoat and the guy ill join your Homestead as a blacksmith. Thanks to ACbinger

Boston Homestead Quests


Boston Homestead Quest 1 Brawling
Head into Boston and look at your map. Travel next to the Homestead marker. Here you will see some soldiers hitting a guy. Take out all the soldiers and you will get a miner.

New York Homestead Quests

New York Homestead Quest 1 – Cutting Ties – When you enter New York look on your map for the Homestead Icon. Head to it and a girl will ask you for help with her mother. Follow the girl to her mother and beat the man there down. After that you will get a tailor.

That will end the Assassin’s Creed 3 Homestead quest guide. Check back soon for more updates as we progress through the game! Big shout-out to ACbinger for his continued support and feedback. You sir are the definition of hero.

The post Assassin’s Creed 3 Guide: Homestead Guide appeared first on GamersHeroes.

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The Weapons of Assassin’s Creed III Tue, 30 Oct 2012 08:23:23 +0000 This post is dedicated to all of the gunpowder, blade sharpened, hardcore weapons in Assassin’s Creed III. Each of these weapons have different attributes that kill enemies in different ways or allow Connar to traverse the colonial lands of America in a different way.

The post The Weapons of Assassin’s Creed III appeared first on GamersHeroes.

The Weapons of Assassin's Creed III
This post is dedicated to all of the gunpowder, blade sharpened, hardcore weapons in Assassin’s Creed III. Each of these weapons have different attributes that kill enemies in different ways or allow Connar to traverse the colonial lands of America in a different way. If you need anymore insight into these different weapons hit us up in the comments. Know something we don’t know? Help us out in the comments and we will add it to our post and give you credit!

Melee Weapons

The melee weapons are the bread and butter of the Assassin’s Creed series. These weapons have interesting animations when you can get a good combat flow going. Parrying and attacking leads to instant death even to top ranked guards that have a ton of health. Learn these weapons well and look out for the weapons that are only available from a couple of the pre-order bonuses.

The Weapons of Assassin's Creed III 2 The Tomahawk in Assassin’s Creed III seems to be the most iconic weapon in the game. In every picture and trailer Connar is using the weapon in some way. It can be used to on wires that hang in the cities and can also be dual wielded.
Hidden Blade:
The Weapons of Assassin's Creed III 3 The Hidden Blade in Assassin’s Creed III is the most used weapon in the series. This weapon close range is deadly and one of the best ways to have a weapon ready without being seen. The weapon is again important in this series. There is another use for the hidden blade in this game. You can detach the blade from your hands and throw it at enemies for a different kill.
Sawtooth Sword:
The Weapons of Assassin's Creed III 4 The Sawtooth Sword in Assassin’s Creed III is a close range heavy damage dealing weapon. The sword is unlocked after playing the Lost Myan Ruins mission. Unfortunately this mission is only available in some special edition boxes. Gamestop also has codes for the Lost Mayan Ruins mission if you pre-ordered the game.
Obwandiyag’s War Club:
The Weapons of Assassin's Creed III 5 The Obwandiyag’s War Club in Assassin’s Creed III is another close ranged weapon in the game. The club has new animations compared to the sword and other melee weapons. The club is only available after finishing the Ghost of War mission. The mission is only available to those who pre-ordered Assassin’s Creed III through Best Buy.

Ranged Weapons

The long ranged weapons are nice in a pinch. They allow Connar to take out enemies before a group has a chance to surround you or when you need to kill an enemy fast and get out of the way. Especially with the surrounding woods and buildings cover can be easy to come by to get off a good shot.

Rope Dart:
The Weapons of Assassin's Creed III 6 The Rope Dart in Assassin’s Creed III is used like a grappling hook. One of the highlighted moves in trailers showed Connar hooking enemies with the Rope Dart and hanging them from tree limbs. The Rope Dart hang is a silent kill that does not make any sound. This weapon can also be used to pull enemies off of horses.
Bow and Arrow:
The Weapons of Assassin's Creed III 7 The Bow and Arrow in Assassin’s Creed III is a long ranged weapon that can be used in stealth. Trailers during E3 showed Connar using the bow during hunting sections. The bow and arrow can also be used as a long ranged weapon against enemies. It has a much quicker reload time compared to the pistol and musket listed bellow.
The Weapons of Assassin's Creed III 8 The Pistol in Assassin’s Creed III is a medium ranged weapon. The pistol can take out a limited amount of health and can be used effectively as a secondary weapon. The pistol can be dual wielded later in the game.
Musket Rifle:
The Weapons of Assassin's Creed III 9 The Musket in Assassin’s Creed III is used as both a melee and ranged weapon. The bayonet at the end of the rifle has kill animation for assassinations. The reload time on the Musket is extremely long and often not usable after the first shot.

That will end our post on the different weapons in Assassin’s Creed III. If we missed anything, or if you would like to add anything to the weapons make sure to hit us up in the comments! We will make sure to credit your name in anything we add and be very grateful! Thanks for reading.

The post The Weapons of Assassin’s Creed III appeared first on GamersHeroes.

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